Posts in Northeast
Addison L.

Being your own kind of beautiful means that's you don't conform to society's idea of what that is. With the evolution of phones and social media, the idea of beauty has changed immensely. one of the most important lessons you will learn in this life is self-love. Whether you are seen differently by the people around you that shouldn't matter. You are uniquely you and that is an amazing gift in itself.

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Ava B.

To me, being your own kind of beautiful means to express yourself and be unique. The most beautiful form of yourself is who you truly are. You shouldn’t mimic other people just because of what society thinks of them.

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Emma K.

Confidence comes and goes, and it can be hard to become or maintain confidence; we’ve all struggled with this and you are not alone if you are dealing with this right now. Don’t be mad at yourself for not being confident right now. It’s okay that today’s not your day. But always remember that you are very special and unique in this world. You have every reason to be confident, even if you don’t feel it just yet.

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Maggie C.

I would describe my fashion style as very diverse. I like to switch it up from super girly and cute to country in boots and a t shirt. I’ve always loved clothes and everything fashion. It’s a great way to express yourself.

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Tahjma B.

My confidence and my big heart are the most beautiful thing about me! I am confident in who I am and what I stand for. I love myself and everything that comes with me! I’m beautiful because I say am no matter what anyone else thinks!

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Aalaa U.

I have various styles. Half of the time my style is very athletic because I exercise frequently. The other half of the time I love dressing elegant/sexy. Sometimes I just want to be cute and comfortable.

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Cicily S.

My Skin! My beautiful dark skin is what I believe makes me beautiful. To have confidence in something that the rest of the world has deemed undesirable, is what I think gives me an edge in my looks.

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Haja B.

Stand up tall, be proud of who you are, what you are and what you stand for and not be ashamed of how others see you. Remind yourself that can not fail at being you because that’s the best thing and most beautiful thing you can be. The biggest mistake and harm you can do to yourself is comparing yourself to others. Know who you are, what you stand for, and be proud and bold about it.

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Alekya K.

I think what makes me beautiful is the culture I have happily embraced and the morals and ethics along with diversity that makes me so unique as a person. I think this is applicable to so many people who come from various backgrounds and cultures and make each one of us beautiful.

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Jia C.

To the guy/girl reading this struggling with confidence, the best advice I can give you is to love yourself first. Love yourself, embrace your own flaws and to be okay with being by yourself.This is truly the most important thing for self-love and with that confidence comes along.

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Christina U.

I would describe my fashion style as fun and colorful! I love dressing you and wearing classy and fancy looks but I also love being able to wear casual comfy everyday clothes on my day off. Bright colorful clothing helps to brighten up a room and bring out my fun and outgoing side.

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Morgan C.

Women who empower other women inspire me. In the fashion world, Coco Rocha inspires me. I really admire what she has done in the fashion industry. She is an icon and continues to evolve her brand. It was so great to attend her model camp and get to know her. She is really a down to Earth person and really wants to help other aspiring achieve their goals.

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Olivia N.

Life is a roller coaster with many highs and lows. But staying true to yourself is what is most important. It is IMPOSSIBLE for everyone in this world to like you and you. So focus more on the people who do love you and accept you for who you are then the ones who doubt you, because when you are surround by people who love you and you love, you become your best self, your most confident and can truly be you!

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Schnoovia S

Self awareness in your everyday life is very important, specially with today’s social media, the rude comments and the memes. Know who you are on every level, don’t doubt yourself cause others are quick to say what they want but the only one with the real story is You.

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Savannah B.

Of course, there are SO many brilliant designers, but I think I want to work for anyone passionate about their art. I've worked with designers from Brooklyn who may not be known to the world just yet, they have beautiful designs and are constantly envisioning new ideas and changes to how the world defines fashion. THOSE are my dream designers.

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Kiersten J.

Humble enough to know that I am not better than anyone else and wise enough to know that I'm different from the rest. To be yourself you need to understand yourself...find the inner beauty in you...Not pleasing others but yourself...Doing stuff that makes you happy not others...Regardless of what people may think!

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Dorela G.

My own kind of beautiful would be something that comes from within. Beauty is seeing people happy, expressing their emotions and being able to smile even in hard times. This world can be filled with so much darkness it's beautiful to see people smile.

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Sydney F.

Never be afraid to show your real interest in fear others will judge you. Different is so much better than basic. Do not let stereotypes apply to you because they don't! If it was possible for me to change my outlook on my self-image it is possible for anyone!

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