Haja B.
Haja B.
Virginia, USA
Age: 21
Waist: 24
Hips: 26
Bust: 35
Height: 5’8
Weight: 125
Tell us about yourself
Hello, my name is Haja B, First I would like to say thank you for taking the time out to get to know me. I’m a 21-year-old, third-year Marketing undergraduate student. Originally born and raised in Sierra Leone, West Africa. I moved to the U.S. at the age of 10 years old and currently living in Virginia. Friends and family would describe as hardworking, caring, motivator, confidence and focused.
What is your biggest dream?
I have always wanted to model since at the age of seven. I love taking pictures and putting outfits together. I’m sure every little girl can relate to this, but I use sneak into my Aunty’s closet and put on her shoes, jewels and clothes and I would practice walking back and forth down my living room hallway like a model while imitating Naomi Campbell. My favorites hobbies involve cooking, sleeping, eating, watching movies, spending time with family and friends and traveling. Modeling is not only my passion but my escape world and my life. This is a career path I have chosen and will be 110% committed to it because I plan on taking it to the next level. Growing up with a single Mother and watching her work two jobs to take care of two kids, we never lacked anything. I am a firm believer in “if you want something, work towards it, and harder with determination”. I also love fashion which is why I would like to be a Fashion Model. Modeling and Fashion Is a way for me to not only be myself but to tell a story through something I love. Two things that make me standout is my ability to work hard, and I don’t give up ever in anything I start especially when it comes to my goals and dreams. I inspire to be the best at what I do and hope to inspire other young girls like myself. In hopes of becoming a model, I thrive to pave the pathway for new generations to come and create opportunities both in the fashion and modeling industry for young aspiring models like myself. I have done a few fashion shows locally and hope to continue to expand and gain more experience. I am a very open-minded person so I like trying new things and would like to go outside my comfort zone. No matter what part of the world I’m in, if I’m still breathing and I can move, I will never stop chasing my dreams and making it a reality.
Tell us about your modeling experience.
I have done a few runways shows locally in Virginia. I participated in the Walk Fashion Show for NYFW. I have also participated in school fashions that we have every semester. I have done a few photoshoots as well for clothing brands in my local area called Abena African attire.
What is your biggest dream?
Apart from becoming a supermodel, getting married, having kids and becoming successful, my biggest dream is to inspire. I dream to inspire young youths’ boys/girls like myself to work hard, follow their dreams, become better than who they were yesterday and thrive to inspire others. I also dream to become a humanitarian. I dream of going back home and helping and giving back to my country by creating a charity foundation for education, women, youths and improvement on electricity and create jobs. It’s very important to always go back and give to wherever you’re from. Don’t forget where you came from, and how you started. Furthermore, I want young girls and women of all color to first accept that they are beautiful in every way and to have equal opportunities. I want to do good, create, motivate, and inspire. In the words of one of my favorite people, Will Smith “I want the world to be better because I was here”. I dream this generation and new ones to come to thrive to do good, create inspire and make the world a better place because they were here. I want my life, my dreams, and my work to mean something to somebody other than myself. I dream of leaving my footprint in the world. Even if I don’t accomplish all my dreams, I pray I live this earth changing at least one person’s life forever. In life you may not be able to help everybody but changing one person’s life is just as much as helping 10-20 people.
What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?
The most beautiful thing you can wear is confidence, self-acceptance and of course your smile. Being our own kind of beautiful consists of being who we are from the inside first, excepting it, and then showing that glow on the outside. Beauty starts first in the inside because that’s the pure natural real beauty. It’s very important to discover that inner beauty first. Furthermore, to me… Being your own kind of beautiful requires you to develop your inner you. Being comfortable in your body, skin, be bold strong and fearless. This involves your confidence, self- esteem and growth. Being our own kind of beautiful is living life the way that you know you should live it to the fullest without any regrets, not caring what others say or think. Simply, being your own kind of beautiful is being yourself daily!
How would you describe your fashion style?
Yes, my favorite subject Fashion! I would describe my fashion style as urban, chic, street and a dash of classy. I love wearing jeans, crop tops, leather jackets, and fitted dresses. I dress according to my mood and sometimes the weather. Growing up in Virginia its hard because the weather here has mood swings it can’t make up its mind. I do not bright colors, I am into nude and simple colors while still matching. I also love wearing skirts, heels and boots when appropriate. My style of fashion switches depending how I’m feeling, what I’m in the mood for or where I’m going. I do however I like to go outside my comfort zone a little and try new styles because that’s what fashion is all about trying new things.
Who or what inspires you?
I get inspired by everything and anyone I come across that has goals. I do have a few people I look up to. I am inspired by my mother Nadia, Will Smith, Naomi Campbell, Kate Moss and Kobe Bryant. I’m going to state the obvious; I LOVE MY MOM! My mom is the women and mother I hope to become like. She has done so much for me and beyond. She inspires me to be independent and have my own back. She taught me to stand up for myself and work hard for what I want in life. I brought my first phone and car by myself. She has installed great values in my life as woman that I will forever carry with me and can’t wait to teach my future kids. Will Smith is my all-time favorite celebrity. I am inspired by his spirit, and his ability to motivate others like myself. One of my favorite quotes by him is “Don’t ever let someone tell you that you can’;t do something. You got a dream, you got to protect it. When people can’t do something themselves, they are going to tell you that you can’t do it. You want something, go get it”. I am grateful and honor to live in an era with Naomi and Kate Moss. These supermodels not only inspire me that if they can do it, I can as while as paving the way for us upcoming models. Kobe Bryant (R.I.P) inspires me to work hard and rest at the end. What have been your greatest accomplishments? My greatest accomplishment has been chasing my dreams. I started going after what I want and being committed to it. It’s been quite a journey and but I’m getting there. Ever since I started following my dreams, I have been gaining experience, exposure, and new opportunities.
Do you have any special talents?
Oh, honey yes I sure do! My special talent is cooking. I can cook anything and everything. I love cooking for people it’s my special way of connecting and bonding.
Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you.
Some obstacles I had to overcome is Poverty. I didn’t come from a family with a silver spoon. Because of where I come and how I was raised, hard work is very important to me. I have learned to be independent, stand on your own and work for whatever you want because nothing is free. This has shaped me to become hard working, independent and a better person.
What makes you beautiful/handsome?
Apart from my smile, and accent, I’d say the way I care for others makes me beautiful. Sometimes I get caught up taking care of others I forget myself. I like making sure everyone around me is okay. Additionally, my accent makes me beautiful and makes me standout. Funny thing is the minute I start talking people would always tell me I sound British, Caribbean, or African. Which is funny because they won’t even ask me first, they just assume which if flirting to me.
What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?
Stand up tall, be proud of who you are, what you are and what you stand for and not be ashamed of how others see you. Remind yourself that can not fail at being you because that’s the best thing and most beautiful thing you can be. The biggest mistake and harm you can do to yourself is comparing yourself to others. Know who you are, what you stand for, and be proud and bold about it.