Posts in Northeast
Zubaida K.

Beauty is divisible, scattered all around the world. In sunsets and in stars, in water falls and in manmade cathedrals halls; none taking from another. Therein, the world’s people too.

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NortheastGuest UserNew York
Marissa C.

I take inspiration from everywhere and anyone. I don't have just one person or thing that inspires me. Humans are so versatile and we constantly adapt and change; therefore, for me, it is difficult to have one source of inspiration.

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NortheastGuest UserNew York
Caitlin M.

My style is to present a vast depth of feeling through the presence of my body. To feel my fashion style is to connect the viewer's sense of self to my own, and create a sense of awe through the canvass of image.

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Ruth S.

There is no one like you in this world and if you are happy, healthy, and have something you want to do go for it. We all have insecurities but we need to learn to embrace them. Be unapologetically yourself.

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Keziah P.

With all the toxicity that comes with this world, I got to say women empowering and standing up for each other really inspires me. Model Winnie Harlow has really been an inspiration especially with her condition, and a total fashion icon.

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Sarah L.

I feel like my ambition and focus makes me beautiful. If you’ve ever seen anyone so engrossed and in love with what they do, that would be me. I put 110% in everything I set my mind to, and I have been told that my interest makes me attractive.

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Alexa M.

What makes me, along with thousands of others, beautiful would be the compassion, the strive, and the love that I have for people. I'm a forgiving person and have such a caring heart for the people around me and it makes life just a little easier not holding a grudge.

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Natalie F.

I would say to stop comparing themselves to others. That true confidence is derived from the power to be joyful and happy no matter what, and you’ll always look the most beautiful when you are smiling.

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Brooke J.

I would tell another person my age who is struggling with their confidence to look in a mirror and state every positive thing about themselves. To think about all they have accomplished and express the ways they are beautiful inside and out. There is more to beauty than just the outside. I would tell them that they need to stop convincing themselves they aren’t beautiful or whatever they are struggling with and point out every perfection I see.

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Ellie K.

I think what makes me beautiful is I always try to stick to my own thing. I never try to be like anyone else and it shows. I have my own style, attitude, and outlook on life. I think it’s something my friends and family admire about me. I’m always encouraging others to be comfortable being themselves as well.

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Robbi R.

To be your own kind of beautiful, to me, means to be comfortable, confident, and content in your own skin. To love yourself from the inside out, from your core values to your physical appearance, and to represent yourself according to what you believe in rather than conforming to the expectations from an aggressive society.

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Elianna W.

This is a question and an answer, that I believe many girls need to hear in this time. Being my own kind of beautiful means to me, that I accept who I am for the beauty that I was blessed with inside and out. I believe we don’t need to compare ourselves, rather we just need to make our old self jealous; Meaning, that we need to show ourselves the best in ourselves, and strive to get even better every single day.

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Love J.

I would say that people want whatever they can have, and if you have it they will try to tear you down. And every day in the mirror tell yourself you are great/beautiful/handsome because self hate is mental, and you have to sometimes mentally train yourself to love yourself regardless. It can be hard but it's possible

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Allison K.

A dream of mine is to travel and be and photographer. When I click the shutter button on my camera, I am holding onto a moment. By changing the shutter speed, I can catch quick movements and make them completely still and sharp. With shifts in the aperture, I capture depth in the world and in my subjects. I notice colors, light, shadows, and raw emotions portrayed in my photography. The images I create bring into focus the bright eyes or frizzy hair of someone I know and cherish or the expressions of strangers whose lives I can only imagine. I am learning and discovering more about myself as I study my own work.

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