Posts tagged D.C.
Natalie F.

I would say to stop comparing themselves to others. That true confidence is derived from the power to be joyful and happy no matter what, and you’ll always look the most beautiful when you are smiling.

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Allison K.

A dream of mine is to travel and be and photographer. When I click the shutter button on my camera, I am holding onto a moment. By changing the shutter speed, I can catch quick movements and make them completely still and sharp. With shifts in the aperture, I capture depth in the world and in my subjects. I notice colors, light, shadows, and raw emotions portrayed in my photography. The images I create bring into focus the bright eyes or frizzy hair of someone I know and cherish or the expressions of strangers whose lives I can only imagine. I am learning and discovering more about myself as I study my own work.

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Cicily S.

My Skin! My beautiful dark skin is what I believe makes me beautiful. To have confidence in something that the rest of the world has deemed undesirable, is what I think gives me an edge in my looks.

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