Cicily S.
Cicily S.
Washington DC, USA
Height 5’7”
Waist 25”
Bust 32
Hips 35”
Weight 150 lbs.
Tell us about yourself: -
My name is Cicily S., I’m 23 and although I currently live in the DMV area, I am originally from Atlanta, GA. I recently moved up north for my job, where I am a research scientist with a global pharmaceutical company. I have been modeling since I was a child and have always enjoyed being in the spotlight since I was a little girl.
Tell us about your modeling experience. -
My first runway experience was when I was about seven years old, and after I got my first taste of what modeling was, I never let it go. I modeled all throughout college with three universities in Alabama at the same time. I’ve modeled in over twelve runway fashion shows and conducted over ten photoshoots for print for my own personal university modeling organization. I’ve walked in multiple charity runway fashion events and walked in Alabama fashion week.
What is your biggest dream? -
My biggest dream is to be a print model for not only major fashion labels, but to also be an extremely successful actor.
What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful? -
To be your own kind of beautiful is to see exactly what the world deems as perfection, and still choose to shine the way you please. To ignore the ‘standard’, and do whatever makes you feel great inside and out. That. That’s beautiful.
How would you describe your fashion style? -
I would describe my fashion style as the epitome of athleisure. On a normal day, there’s almost never a time that you won’t catch me in a fashionable pullover and super cute sneakers to compliment the outfit. I love this style because it gives an effortless, yet current and fashionable spin on a day to day look.
Who or what inspires you? -
My two biggest inspirations are Billy Porter and Naomi Campbell. Both Naomi and Billy are not only extremely successful in their fields, but are also beautiful, talented and dark skin.
What have been your greatest accomplishments? - My three biggest accomplishments have been; getting my degree in biochemistry, getting accepted to study acting under a man that has won 2 Emmys, and becoming Head Model for 3 universities at the same time.
Do you have any special talents? -
I am a classically trained first soprano and sang choral music for about 7 years while I was still practicing. Other than being able to sing opera, I am also hyper-flexible and can ballroom dance.
Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you. -
When I was growing up, it was always the people closest to me that would shoot down my aspirations and goals. I would be so destroyed by their negative comments towards me that after a while, it began to spark a fire under me. I used each one of those people as motivation to go forward with my dreams. To want to prove them wrong kept me motivated and focused when I wanted to give up.
What makes you beautiful/handsome? -
My Skin! My beautiful dark skin is what I believe makes me beautiful. To have confidence in something that the rest of the world has deemed undesirable, is what I think gives me an edge in my looks.
What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence? -
The first thing I’d do is try to figure out where they got these feelings of self-doubt from. Humans aren’t born self-conscious and such behavior must be taught and drilled into a person. Once we’ve addressed where it all originated from, I’d look them in the eyes and tell them “Fuck that person and the horse they came in on.”. you are beyond beautiful and if someone doesn’t have the capacity to see that, than it’s literally, their loss.