Stephanie D.


Stephanie D.

Florida, USA

Age: 25


Waist: 37

Hips: 46

Bust: 41

Height: 5'6 

Weight: 180 lb

Hair/Eye Color: Brown/ Brown

Tell us about yourself

Hello! I am a 24 years old and was born and raised in Miami, FL. I come from a Caribbean/Island household that always had a delicious smell of home cooked food and scented candles. Family, hospitality, and performing are the most important aspects of my life. I have always wanted to entertain others and offer folks who are watching me a moment of distraction from the world and a smile on their faces in the moment. Whether I was in the school choir, putting on a benefit concert, or center stage in a musical, I have always been performing. I created the stage name "Ivy Sunflower" about two years ago. It stands for "Faith and Harmony". Sunflowers are my favorite flower and I even have a huge tattoo on my back of one. Sunflowers are a very spiritually beautiful flower symbolizing something much bigger than themselves. The name only made sense. 

Tell us about your modeling experience. 

I started modeling about 2 and a half years ago. I have always wanted to model and was inspired by shows like America's Next Top Model and Project Runway at an early age. It took a new wave of confidence to finally make that leap and try modeling. I was always so taken back by the stereotypes of the industry and assumed that I wouldn't be accepted because I wasn't super tall, super thin, and did not have a perfect complexion. But I realized that there was a beauty in my that radiated in front of a camera and I immediately fell in love with the art. 

What is your biggest dream?

I plan to own a black box theatre someday soon. It has always been a dream of mine to be able to put on my own productions along with some of the favorites of the community and bring everyone together. There would be free acting classes for children, and even a creative space for other artists to join and make their own beauty out of this place. 

What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?

Now it took me a long time to be able to understand the word beautiful in its entirety and to be able to feel beautiful myself. I had to understand that beauty was truly in the eyes of the beholder and you are the ultimate be-"holder". So wear what you want, put on as many accessories that you see fit and be you. You are all the things that make you beautiful because you are beautifully you. 

How would you describe your fashion style?

My fashion sense definitely goes with my mood for the day.

I love bright colors and floral print ANYTHING! But on a rainy day I love to have on just some leggings and a big comfy sweater. Elegant wear is definitely my favorite any chance I get to dress up I'm in! 

Who or what inspires you?

My stubbornness is definitely what keeps me going. I have never been able to get the idea out of my mind about being an actress or model and because of that I haven't given up. My family is also a huge support. My father was a sound engineer for 30 years and my favorite memories are on he's lap behind a master board. My father is also an inspiration of mine and I hope I'm making him proud. 

What makes you beautiful/handsome?

My ability to find joy in the smallest things, and see some form of purity in the worst. 

What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?

Breathe. Take a step back and analyze. Please believe that there is an undeniable force inside of you wanting to be great. You are extraordinary.