Fiana T.
Fiana T.
Delaware, USA
Waist: 28” (71cm)
Hips: 39” (99cm)
Bust: 35”(89cm)
Height: 5’8 (68 in.)
Weight: 130 lbs (58.9 kg)
Shoe: 8
Hair: Light brown
Eye: Green
Tell us about yourself
My name is Fiana T. I am from Delaware. I will be a senior in high school. Within the last year I have gained a deeper passion for modeling through my experience with runway, editorial and print modeling. I fell in love with modeling through my experiences with collaborative work with photographers, fashion events, and submissions to high fashion magazine editorials. I have maintained a 4.0 GPA and actively participate in school sports. I work a part time job in the restaurant field. I am highly motivated to further my modeling career by continuing to grow by attending runway classes, creating makeup editorials, and collaborating with other models. I hope to pursue my modeling career as well as get a degree in the finance & marketing industry.
Tell us about your modeling experience.
My professional modeling career began in August 2019 and from every shoot after that, I fell more in love with my interest in modeling. I am proud to say I have been published in five high fashion magazines. I have attended two fashion shows and the experience has been breathtaking. I have gained a great amount of knowledge in the modeling industry and hope to grow professionally through exposure throughout the United States by working with experienced leaders in the modeling industry.
What is your biggest dream?
My biggest dream is to travel the world pursuing my modeling career. I hope to make an impact on everyone I meet in the modeling field. I have a passion for helping animals and taking care of the environment. I want to incorporate my love for life by caring for others and taking care of nature along the way. I also hope to provide a stable home and a loving environment for my family.
What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?
Oftentimes people follow the norm of attempting to look like everyone else no matter how much it hurts. Well being your own kind of beautiful is falling in love with you. Embracing who you are and finding confidence within yourself. Finding the inner beauty is not allowing society to shape you like everyone else. I believe that individuals should be true to yourself from the inside and out.
How would you describe your fashion style?
I have a broad fashion style and I love to mix up my styles. I find that there can be a fashion style for many different emotions, places, and events. I have modeled many diverse styles from vintage and street-style fashion, to very chic and sexy attire.I will confess that at times, I love to kick back with a casual o look as well.
Who or what inspires you?
I am inspired by success and hard-work. I have many supporters and people helping me push through but I cannot choose just one person. I have many short and long term goals and it is the destination that keeps me going. No matter how hard the journey, I find that every shoot influences me in a positive way and helps me grow as a person. I want to make that difference for others in the modeling industry.
What is your advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling?
There are so many different things to tell upcoming models, but most importantly be yourself, find your niche, and do not compare yourself to others. Remain confident and love yourself no matter how hard it gets, lift yourself up as well as others.
Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you.
An obstacle I have struggled with for as long as I can remember have been my migraines. My migraines make it very difficult to do certain things at times. The impact that migraines can have on my life has led me to be more aware of my diet and my sleep schedule. The awareness that I have of my condition has helped me to take more preventative approaches to control them and be less of a burden on my life.
What makes you beautiful?
I think what makes me most beautiful is my compassion, and my mind. I think of things on a deeper level than most teens my age. I find it to allow me to care more deeply and listen to others. I find that when I collaborate with photographers, I am more open and understanding of their feedback. I learned at a very young age that it is important to love who you are inside and on the outside.
What would you say to another girl or guy who is your age struggling with their confidence?
If someone my age wanted advice on struggling with confidence, I would tell them to calm down and find peace. Loving who you are and not comparing yourself to others is the first step. Your advantage is that you aren’t like anyone else and your beauty is not taken away by someone else's beauty. Practice self compassion and be the best you, you can be!