Caitlin M.
Caitlin M.
New York, USA
Age: 27
Waist: 26
Hips: 36
Bust: 36
Weight: 131
Hair/Eye Color: Red/Blue
Tell us about yourself.
I am a professional model living in New York city and from Detroit Michigan. I am 27 years old.
Tell us about your modeling experience.
I'm a catalogue, runway, and print model with multiple runway expositions in NY Fashion Week, various shoots, and innovative styles.
What is your biggest dream?
To be published on the cover of a magazine.
What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?
To be my own kind of beautiful means to showcase my own avenue of self-expression. To place my look and style at the front of every presentation of myself is to showcase my own beauty.
How would you describe your fashion style?
My style is to present a vast depth of feeling through the presence of my body. To feel my fashion style is to connect the viewer's sense of self to my own, and create a sense of awe through the canvass of image.
Who or what inspires you?
I am constantly inspired by the harmony of nature. The ebb and flow of cycles of life, combined with the co-dependence of ecosystems is a stark reflection of our dependence on one another, and all that brings.
What is your advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling?
Know who you are and present that knowledge confidently to those around you. No matter where the camera is, it will recognize confidence.
Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you.
Personal confidence in having the bravery to do something different. I was raised with a path ahead of me and it took a long time to carve my own when there wasn't one ahead of me.
What makes you beautiful/handsome?
The depth experience showcased within my eyes.
What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?
Reflect inward before worrying about what others see outside. Focus on the source of your hesitation, get to know it, and eradicate it with the force of your sense of self.