Raeanne B.

Raeanne B.

Rhode Island, USA

 Age: 21


Waist: 30

Hips: 40

Bust: 36

Height: 5’5

Weight: 150

Hair/Eye color: Dark Brown

Tell us about yourself.

My name is Raeanne, I am 21 years young! I was born in raised in Providence, RI. The smallest state in the country. Coming from a small city, there is not many opportunities. My dad came from Honduras, and my mom is Cape Verdean. So im a mixed baby! I moved to Florida after I turned 18, because I know I was destined to be someone great.

 Tell us about your modeling experience.

My first photoshoot was actually in my cousins basement! She had bought a new professional camera and told me to put on a nice outfit and I just came naturally with the poses. Then a year after I was in Tampa, a friend I knew asked me to be in a music video in Miami. Of course I said yes! Then different gigs kept popping up once in a while for me.

 What is your biggest dream?

My biggest dream is to become a successful entrepreneur, model, and role model for younger girls/boys like me. I aim to be successful because it’s a personal route for me. My family struggled and seeing my mom raise me by herself and my siblings, just makes me want to do everything for her and my little brothers who currently live with my dad in Honduras.

 What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?

To be your own kind of beautiful means, being comfortable and confident with yourself. Your flaws and everything you might not seem to like about yourself is what makes you! Other people think it is beautiful so embrace all flaws and shine a light on yourself.

 How would you describe your fashion style?

I would say my fashion style is all over the place. I love being casual most of the time, a nice pair a skinny jeans and a cute top and sandals is my go-to. When I go out, that’s a different story. I would usually wear a matching two piece set, or a fitted dress to show off my curves.

 Who or what inspires you?

What inspires me are the models I see on Instagram. They are not only living their best life on there but behind the scenes they are all about helping out their family and local community.

 What have been your greatest accomplishments?

My greatest accomplishment was when I was at a job I previously worked for. I had made my 90 day evaluation, and on that same day I got promoted to assistant manager. That was my biggest accomplishment that made me proud of myself, and realize that I am a hard worker at everything I do.

 Do you have any special talents?

A special talent that I have is writing songs less than an hour. I actually just discovered that talent a few months ago. I was listening to instrumental music with my eyes closed, I just saw these words flowing past my eyes, so I just started writing it down.

 Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you.

An obstacle I had faced in life that changed me for the better was when I was still a little girl. My dad had been deported to Honduras, and at the same time my great grandmother had passed away. I was heartbroken because they were my two #1 people who I would see everyday. Everything I do till this day I do it for them. I work hard so I can get the chance to see my father again before its too late. I pray to my great grandmother so she can show me the way I need to go.

 What makes you beautiful?

What makes me beautiful is being myself. I grew up being bullied for having thick bushy eyebrows, long sideburns, and being a little chubby. As I got older I started embracing what I got bullied for, and I am in love with it! I am the definition of BEAUTIFUL in my own way. It makes me, me.

 What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?

What I would say to another girl/guy my age struggling with confidence is to give yourself a pep talk every morning. When you wake up, just lay there and pick out 3 things you love about yourself and remember it for the rest of the day. Meditate and open up your heart and throat chakra. It’ll help you be more outspoken and confident. Don’t forget… don’t stop being YOU!