Posts tagged Massachusetts
Sarah L.

I feel like my ambition and focus makes me beautiful. If you’ve ever seen anyone so engrossed and in love with what they do, that would be me. I put 110% in everything I set my mind to, and I have been told that my interest makes me attractive.

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Ava B.

To me, being your own kind of beautiful means to express yourself and be unique. The most beautiful form of yourself is who you truly are. You shouldn’t mimic other people just because of what society thinks of them.

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Dorela G.

My own kind of beautiful would be something that comes from within. Beauty is seeing people happy, expressing their emotions and being able to smile even in hard times. This world can be filled with so much darkness it's beautiful to see people smile.

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Sydney F.

Never be afraid to show your real interest in fear others will judge you. Different is so much better than basic. Do not let stereotypes apply to you because they don't! If it was possible for me to change my outlook on my self-image it is possible for anyone!

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Isabella M.

To ignore those silly societal standards that are set in place for what "beauty" looks like, and choosing instead to embrace what you see in the mirror! Our world is hard enough, and being overly critical of ourself helps nobody.

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Sophear L.

My advice for other girls or guys who is struggling with their confident is to have that one person they are very close to and talk everything out with that person and with their support and push you will start to become comfortable and confident!

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Hallaura M.

These two things are my moto, my go-to everyday words. My opinion is that if you want to achieve something in life, you need to achieve something with yourself. If you want people to see you, to appreciate you and to trust you, you need to see yourself as the best version of you, you need to appreciate everything about yourself or work hard to be able to do it and you need to trust yourself as hard as you can. While doing this some people with try to break you or call you snob, but I think that everything start with confidence and self-awareness.

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Holly C.

To be your own kind of beautiful means to see the beauty in every aspect of yourself regardless of wether or not society says it fits their standards. If you are a good person then you are beautiful to me.

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Janna L.

What I think makes me beautiful are my blue eyes, my legs, my collarbones and my personality. However, I believe that anything and everything can be beautiful, and our physical features don’t have to define our beauty.

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Shey C.

Confidence is key. Even if it’s one of those days where you don’t have the energy, so you just throw some sweatpants on. You have to own whatever your current look is. Rock those sweatpants. Take a selfie in that messy mop of a bun. Do what you want and wear what you want, but do it with confidence.

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Brandon B.

Self-awareness and confident is very important because you shouldn’t go through life doing stuff for other people all the time. Take time for yourself to connect with yourself more to become even more confident.

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Mia K.

Honestly, I think the pain I’ve been through makes me beautiful. The small scars on my body show me I’ve survived so much. On the outside, I love my hair and eyes, but to me, I feel like what’s on the inside really shapes how you look on the outside. An ugly heart can ruin a beautiful face.

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