Sydney F.

Sydney F.

Massachusetts, USA

Tell us about yourself

 I am from Swampscott Massachusetts. Swampscott is a small beach town about forty minutes from Boston. Growing up in a small town has made me wonder so much about the world as well as chase my dreams. I am passionate about fashion, art and traveling. I have been vegan because of my love for animals, health and nature.

Tell us about your modeling experience. 

I have done collaborations with photographers and stores. I have been a social media influencer for several companies Doing these photo shoots is what inspired me to go for my dream of modeling.

What is your biggest dream?

My biggest dream is to see every different country and culture in the world. My long term dream is to a real change is society stereotypes.

What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?

Being your own kind beautiful is having confidence in yourself and being healthy. Being unique and original is something to be proud of.

How would you describe your fashion style?

My fashion style is extremely fun and taking risks. Fashion is my outlet and has been for years. I am afraid to wear a funky outfit to school. My style radiates confidence.

Who or what inspires you?

Devon Aoki is my biggest inspiration she is petite model who has made it big the industry. Being short I never thought I would have the opportunity to go for modeling. After hearing her story I thought she can do it why can't I. I never would have applied if it was not for her inspiring me to stop letting small things get in the way of m dreams.

What have been your greatest accomplishments?

My greatest accomplishment has been volunteering in the peace corps in Nadi Fiji. I and other children my age changed there lives by improving the water supply. Other accomplishments include winning first place in my district's poetry contest. Being a member of I'm that girl club at school, a female empowerment group.

Do you have any special talents? 

My special talents are dancing acting and tumbling 

Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you.

The biggest obstacle  I have ever overcome was bullying. I was bullied all throughout middle school to the point where I had to leave schools. This experience has made me a stronger person because it made realize how the smallest kindness to a person can make the biggest difference.As a person today I always go out of my way to compliment strangers because you never are aware of what they are going through.

What makes you beautiful/handsome?

The way you treat other people is what makes you handsome or beautiful. True beauty come from making others feel beautiful and confident. It is about being genuine and having a loving heart.

What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?

To any girl who is struggling with confidence, I would tell them there is no one type of beautiful every girl no matter who they are is gorgeous. Never be afraid to show your real interest in fear others will judge you. Different is so much better than basic. Do not let stereotypes apply to you because they don't! If it was possible for me to change my outlook on my self-image it is possible for anyone!