Savannah B.
Savannah B.
New York, USA
Age: 15
Waist: 31
Hips: 25
Bust: 31
Height: 5’ 8.5”
Weight: 118
Tell us about yourself
I am a 15-year-old city girl and I'm lucky to live right outside of New York! I love the city because of all the opportunities it has to offer and itś a raw, urban vibe. Every area has such a different feel. From Chelsea to SOHO to Midtown, everything just feels different and it’s exciting! I try to get a good feel for each area and I try to bring that into my photoshoots.
What is your biggest dream?
I know it sounds cliche but since I was 10 my biggest dream had been to become a successful and experienced career model! I work on my craft EVERY DAY. Walking, posing and understanding design. I hope I can help designers show off their designs as well as art to the world! Modeling is like showcasing someone's art and work. I also study models that came before me and itś history. From Twiggy, Elle, Cindy, and Naomi to Cocoa and Barbara today, the legends did it better than I do and I try to learn everything I can! I have "The Art of Pose” and I study it constantly! I want to be the best that I can.
What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?
To me, being beautiful is seeing goodness and potential in everyone. That is why I love Hannah Noel so much because they see something in everyone.
Tell us about your modeling experience.
Being next-to NYC, it gives me a lot of opportunities and I take advantage of them! I go to a LOT of open calls and itś all-about the hustle here! Itś a very TOUGH market, but I keep going. I've walked a few shows during NYFW last year and are walking a few this year too! In-between there have been a lot of shoots with designers and photographers who I ADORE.But in NYC, they don’t come to you. You have to go find and get them yourself. Even when I don’t get them, I try to learn something new from all of them!
What is your dream brand to model for?
This is honestly the most difficult question to answer. Of course, there are SO many brilliant designers, but I think I want to work for anyone passionate about their art. I've worked with designers from Brooklyn who may not be known to the world just yet, they have beautiful designs and are constantly envisioning new ideas and changes to how the world defines fashion. THOSE are my dream designers.
How would you describe your fashion style?
I adore and admire all styles of fashion! My style is always changing based on how I feel that day. One day I might be Girly chic, the next I might be sporty! I find it extremely refreshing to change things up!
How important is self-awareness and confidence to you in your everyday life?
Self- awareness, and confidence play an important role in my life! With them I can take on the world with energy and determination, without them I find myself struggling. Self- awareness, and confidence are very present in my everyday life! They determine how well I do in school, such as getting good grades and connecting with friends! It also determines how well I do in sports and modeling. What I realized early is that when I do a photoshoot, if I don’t have confidence in front of the camera, it shows. I might not see it, my friends might not see it, but people in the industry DEFINETLY see it so I try be aware of who I am and remind myself on how hard I’ve worked before I go in front of the camera.
What makes you beautiful/handsome?
I was always taught that everyone is beautiful in their way. For me, I believe that my ability to make everyone feel good about themselves and see good qualities within everyone is what makes me beautiful.
What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?
If another girl/guy were struggling with confidence, I would tell them that they shouldn't care about what anyone thinks about them but themselves. Stop worrying about fitting into someone else's version of yourself, once you see how special you truly are you can conquer the world!
