I feel being your own kind of beautiful truly means just being urself. Whoever you are truly is the most beautiful version you can be. Your real, raw, natural self. Modeling opens up the door for self expression and self confidence, you can truly just be yourself and feel comfortable in your own skin.
Read MoreI started to embrace my insecurities, and the insecurities soon became my confidence points. I learned that each flaw a person possesses is what makes them unique and beautiful. The world is full of copycats, the last thing I would want to do is not embrace what makes me different.
Read MoreWhat it means to be your own beautiful self is to take steps into being who you are and to be happy in your own skin. Loving yourself is the most beautiful thing to experience and becoming more confident. You create a new meaning of beauty when you look at yourself in the mirror everyday with a big smile, because you know you will make today an amazing day. That's how powerful you are and how powerful beauty is. Everyone has beauty in their own way and it makes the world brighter.
Read MoreHow I see it, To be your own kind of beautiful you have to be able to look in the mirror and see beauty within and without. You have to be able to see your light, your passions, your desires and fulfill them no matter what anyone else says! To be your own kind of beautiful means to be you authenticity and unapologetically with grace.
Read MoreIt is okay to be yourself even if the whole room is the opposite of you. Take pride in the things that make you unique and different. There are 1 million people who look, dress and act the same. Why not be the one who doesn't? Confidence comes from yourself and only yourself. It's important to take time to accept and love your flaws just as much as your favorite parts.
Read MoreAs a woman, I feel beautiful on the outside when I love who I am on the inside. By being a kind and honest person, I feel beautiful on the inside which shines outward. I also feel the most beautiful when I surround myself with those who lift me higher.
Read MoreBeing your own kind of beautiful means embracing the way God made you!
Read MoreWhen you are struggling with confidence remember, there is only one of you. No one else could ever replace you or be who you are. You are perfect just the way you are!
Read MoreI have had the best experience with modeling. I started modeling just to help a friend out when i was 18 and it was the first thing i felt confident in and i felt like it came so naturally. that’s when i knew i wanted to be in front of the camera for the rest of my life.
Read MoreTo be your own kind of beautiful is to accept yourself as you are and not compare yourself to other people.
Read MoreBeing uniquely you! Find that odd thing out about yourself and FLAUNT it because no one can rock it like you do!
Read MoreI think “being your own kind of beautiful” means to be unapologetically yourself and being completely authentic. Owning who you are is one of the most beautiful things you can do!
Read MoreDon't ever compare yourself to other people. Roses are beautiful, but so are daffodils. They look nothing alike.
Read MoreBeing your own kind of beautiful means to love who you are unconditionally while staying true to yourself. It’s also important to spread love and positivity wherever you go.
Read MoreMy personal goal in life is to inspire others to live their truths through my initiative #reversethestigma. Any negative past experiences can be turned into future positive actions within yourself and the community. It starts with making your mental health a priority.
Read MoreTo me being beautiful is merely being the best person you can be. Kindness truly speaks volumes.
Read MoreTo anyone just getting started with modeling:
“Believe in yourself, and know you can do it.”
Read MoreIndividuals who worked from the bottom of the barrel, moms, go getters, and independent women are my rock stars. Also on a completely different level, my 6 year old son inspires me to be the greatest I can be.
Read MoreTo anyone that is struggling with confidence just remember that no one is you. You are good enough, no one can compare you to anyone else because there is only one you. I understand at times it can be tough but always remember that you are right where you need to be. Never change for anyone.
Read MoreMany people look up to social media as a “beauty standard”. I feel like to be “your own kind of beautiful," you should be focused more on you and who you are. Everyone is different in every way so you should love yourself to the fullest no matter the circumstance. Every face, every body, every mind is unique in their own way. I feel as if every insecurity is beauty and everyone should embrace their own.
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