Alexis R.
Alexis R.
Utah, USA.
Age: 25
Waist: 24
Hips: 33
Bust: 36
Height: 5’4
Hair/Eye Color:
Tell us about yourself (where are you from, age, whatever you want to add)
My name is Alexis, I’m a 25 year old civil engineering student. I grew up in the great state of Utah to a beautiful family. I came from rather humble beginnings, my family has a degenerative eye disease that has both been a blessing and a hindrance.
Tell us about your modeling experience.
I had the though to start modeling after a few failed attempts at learning a few instruments, I have always wanted to entertain and have had a knack for marketing since the age of 12. So I did a little shoot with the photography teacher at my middle school, he advised I get an agent. I then proceeded to get scammed by a few agents, this cost my already struggling parents an absorbent amount of money in which they did not have at the time.
After a few years of research, I tried again at 16 - going to a meet up hosted by a photographer who would become one of my dearest friends, I’ll spare you the details, but it leads to where we are now.
What is your biggest dream?
My biggest dream eh? To just live a good life with those I love.
What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?
To me being beautiful is merely being the best person you can be. Kindness truly speaks volumes.
Who or what inspires you?
My parents and sisters are my biggest inspiration, they’ve taught me that no matter the adversity, one can overcome anything with hard work and dedication. My dad who is blind like my sisters, has to work 100 times harder to be “as good” as those with sight, but is still one for the best software engineers in the state of Utah.
What is your advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling?
For those just starting in our industry, I’d like to offer you this tidbit of advice, it’s a Japanese proverb; カチョウ・フウゲツ “kachou fuugetsu”. While translating literally to “flower, bird, wind, moon”, it represents the importance of experiencing nature’s beauty and using the opportunity to learn about yourself.