Jentci C.
Jentci C.
Texas, USA.
Age: 15
Waist: 26
Hips: 36.5
Bust: 33
Height: 5’0
Weight: 120 lb
Hair/Eye Color: Blonde/ Blue
Tell us about yourself (where are you from, age, whatever you want to add)
I'm 14 originally from a small town in Louisiana. I've recently moved to Houston and I love the city! The city holds more opportunity and life. One of my favorite activities happens to be strolling Downtown enjoying the sight of "city" life. Including large buildings, artwalls, people, and shops. Moving cities has also helped me discover what I'm passionate about. One thing I would love to see in my future is the upbringing of women. I feel women should be able to do just as much as men. According to my past experiences, men tend to try and hold superiority over women. Being a woman myself, I want to help bring an end to chauvinism. I want to grow to be independent, successful, powerful, and even have several of my own businesses.
Tell us about your modeling experience.
I am just getting started in the industry, but I have always wanted to be a model since I was small. I recently walked in my first fashion show. It was a truly fun and humbling experience. I am currently practicing poses, facial expressions, and taking pictures.
What is your biggest dream?
One of my biggest dreams I want to achieve is to travel the world. I love visiting new places, seeing new sights, seeing how different other people/cultures are. I also love trying new foods, shopping all around, and capturing pictures and memories the whole time.
What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?
Many people look up to social media as a “beauty standard”. I feel like to be “your own kind of beautiful," you should be focused more on you and who you are. Everyone is different in every way so you should love yourself to the fullest no matter the circumstance. Every face, every body, every mind is unique in their own way. I feel as if every insecurity is beauty and everyone should embrace their own.
How would you describe your fashion style?
I have many different styles. It mostly goes by how I’m feeling that day. My style could be very casual, chic, streetwear, and outgoing. I like to have more of an “extra” and “different” style.
Who or what inspires you?
My grandma, Deanna, inspires me the most. She is the most loving, caring, beautiful person. She never gives up, she is so hard working, independent, and will do whatever she has to do to make sure her family is good. She has retired now but she stays home taking care of all her animals and family. She loves sitting outside with her chickens and her dog. She loves to give everyone what they want and need even if she can’t. Her energy never fails to magnet onto you.
What is your advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling?
I am just getting started myself and there are things I’ve learned already. Remember it all takes time and patience, stay positive, never give up, you can never do too much researching, and to remember who you are, know your confidence. More and more opportunities will come to you in time.
Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you.
My mental health. I struggled with an autoimmune disease for 5 yrs while going through a lot of past trauma which really brought my mental health down. School was also a hard thing while going through all of this. I was always the person to not really speak up . Now I've realized it all made me a stronger and a more independent person. I honestly believe if it wasn’t for everything I’ve been through, I wouldn’t be who I am today!
What makes you beautiful/handsome?
Besides the looks, personality is a very strong beauty look. I believe beauty isn’t on the outside, it's all on the inside. I like to go by the phrase “treat others the way you want to be treated."
What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?
Learn to love yourself for who you are. Don’t worry about what others have to say. Live like no one's watching...