Alexa W.
Alexa W.
Ohio, USA.
Age: 21
Waist: 29
Height: 5’6”
Hair/Eye Color: Blonde/ Hazel
Tell us about yourself
My name is Alexa Wilcox, I am 21 years old and I am from Northeast Ohio!
Tell us about your modeling experience.
I have only been modeling for a year but have had amazing experiences and have been able to meet new people.
What is your biggest dream?
My biggest goal in life is to open my own All-Star cheerleading gym and create a safe place for those that need it. I was a cheer coach for 6 years and fell in love with coaching. Everything about it gave me joy, knowing I was helping others reach their goals gave me so much pride.
What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?
Being your own kind of beautiful is being able to realize what makes you unique and different from anyone else.
How would you describe your fashion style?
When it comes to my fashion style it is difficult to just say one style, I change my style daily. I can be edgy, athletic, simple or over the top, it depends on the events that I have going on for that particular day!
Who or what inspires you?
The people I surround myself with inspire me, they have created very positive environments for me and taught me how to be my own person. I cannot name just one person because they all have helped me in different ways. I am truly grateful for the people that are in my life.
What is your advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling?
My best advice to anyone that is starting out in modeling would be, never let anyone bring you down. You know who you are, you do not need validation from anyone to tell you that you are good enough. You have to believe in yourself, love yourself and most importantly, you have to be confident.
Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you.
An obstacle that I have overcome in my life is struggling with anxiety. I have had anxiety for a few years now, as an athlete, model and full time college student, having anxiety can crush you if you do not get help. It took me a while to figure out ways to cope with my anxiety, I had to try many different methods and finally found some that were helpful to me. I still have anxiety when it comes to certain things but I have found ways of handling it properly.
What makes you beautiful/handsome?
What makes me beautiful is that I am strong and confident. I have come a long way to become a model and in a way, modeling has helped me become a stronger and more confident person. I am no longer afraid of being who I am, I am quirky and sometimes loud but that is what makes me, me. I am proud of the woman I am today.
What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?
To anyone that is struggling with confidence just remember that no one is you. You are good enough, no one can compare you to anyone else because there is only one you. I understand at times it can be tough but always remember that you are right where you need to be. Never change for anyone.