Natalia M.

People who inspire me are the ones that are capable of pointing out possibilities that I had not considered, that I thought were unattainable, or that I never dared to dream of.

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Samone J.

My biggest dream is to help inspire women all over the world to learn their self worth, be confident and to chase after their dreams, and to let them know there's nothing out there that they can not accomplish.

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Taylor R.

You can do anything you want if you put your mind to it. Believe in yourself cause when you do the sky's the limit. Set goals and accomplish them keep doing that I assure you will start gaining more confidence in yourself.

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Liz N.

Being confident in one’s self is a genuinely hard skill that takes tons of practice and self-love. Our confidence levels can fluctuate day by day, even for the most seemingly confident person. We must practice self-kindness and compassion daily and remind ourselves how we are deserving of our dreams and goals. Focusing on the things we don’t like in ourselves is the easiest thing in the world but forget all of that. Focus on what you love about yourself and give yourself credit whenever you take a risk or a step in the right direction to love yourself.

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Mayra P.

You ever heard the saying “It’s not what’s on the outside it’s what’s on the inside“ well that for me is what truly makes me or really anyone beautiful. I think as long as you’re happy with the person you are, that is what really matters. It’ll also generate that glow of happiness and people will start to notice and think “wow she really has it all I want to be as beautiful as her“. I think my personality and kindness is what makes me beautiful to sum up this question.

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Dana H.

In life, you are bound to struggle from time to time. All of our experiences and hardships can be woven into a tapestry that is ultimately beautiful and, if we allow it, make us the people we are meant to be. Each hardship has changed my perspective and made me a better more positive person. Everyone is that n a different journey or season in their life, but it is a privilege to have to struggle because, without it, we wouldn’t appreciate the good!

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Hannah Noelle
Ashley G.

Being your own kind of beautiful is EVERYTHING! Self acceptance and self love is something I learned all too late in life. You have to love yourself inside before you can change anything out. I think the most beautiful people I've ever met and who inspire me are the ones who are comfortable in their own skin and confident within themselves. Embrace yourself and the diverse perspective you give to the world.

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Jessica B.

The story of Jesus, Job, and the woman by the well in the Bible inspire me the most. I have learned not to care what people think because people will talk about you regardless whether good or bad. You can have it all and it all be taken away within the blink of an eye but the blessing in itself is your faith to not give up. Lastly your past doesn’t define you because everyone has one and no one is perfect. What matters is how you grow and become a better person today than your yesterday.

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Sasha F.

To be your own kind of beautiful mean accepting yourself no matter any imperfection you think you may have. Were all human and were not perfect. Beautiful is not just physical but having confidence, wisdom and being unique.

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Elyse F.

Recognize that you have innate value and worth! Acknowledge your accomplishments however big or small, and be excited to show people what you have to offer. You have special qualities that are unique to you, don’t be afraid to embrace them!

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Andrea S.

As cliché as it sounds, I think what is on the inside is what makes you beautiful. If you have a good heart and bring kindness to the people around you, you are beautiful.

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Cindy R.

To me being yourself automatically makes you beautiful. Everyone is so unique in their own way. There is only one of you! So you need to love yourself! Love all your imperfections. Sometimes I feel like we get so caught up in today's beauty standards that we start to compare ourselves to other people, but we gotta remind ourselves that we don't have to look a certain way to be beautiful! You gotta embrace what you got! Be you and own it!

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Natalie F.

Being your own kind of beautiful to me, means feeling comfortable in your own skin. For so long I didn’t like how I looked and I always wanted to look like someone else. It wasn’t until I truly worked on my mental health and physical health that started to become happy and healthy. I am not perfect but I am extremely comfortable in my body now.

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Jillian H.

To someone my age, or anyone at all, that is struggling with confidence, I would say that I understand. I totally understand that we live in a judgmental world and at times it can feel impossible to even be good enough. But I want everyone to know that there is only one person that decides how beautiful you are, and that is you. There will always be differing opinions, but the one that truly matters is your own. If you believe you are beautiful, then you are beautiful.

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Blythe B.

My advice to someone who is just starting with modeling is to throw your insecurities out the door. You will not make it far if you don’t love yourself. Your confidence will show through your work and nothing is more beautiful than that.

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Joy O.

Never give up. There’s an opportunity out there for everybody you just need to humble yourself and be patient because when you think you are at your lowest, someone sees you to be at your highest. Continuing hustling and bettering yourself.

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Janelle R.

There is only one of you. Do not become someone else. Be YOU and be proud. Look in the mirror everyday and say “I am me. I am unique. I am beautiful.”

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Lori F.

To someone who is just getting started with modeling:

I would say to not forget who you are, it's so easy to want to look like the girls around you but DON'T. Be yourself, surround yourself with a very supportive group of friends and family as this industry can be tough and be patient. Embrace your curly hair, your freckles and the dimple on your chin you inherited from Grandma because it's who you are and show it off. Nobody wants normal!!!

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