Natalie F.
Natalie F.
Michigan, USA.
Age: 21
Waist: 24.5
Hips: 33.5
Bust: 32
Height: 5’ 4.5
Weight: 110
Hair/Eye: Blonde/Blue
Tell us about yourself (where are you from, age, whatever you want to add)
My name is Natalie Flanders, I am 21, and I am from Birch Run, Michigan. I grew up always knowing I wanted to be a entertainer. I went from singing to writing to dancing to acting to modeling. When it comes to entertainment I tried it all and I have loved every bit of it. Both of my parents are very talented and enjoyed different forms of art. Instead of pursuing those dreams they kept them as hobbies and chose to have me. So, I hope I can live those dreams for them and myself. They have been my biggest supporters along the way.
Tell us about your modeling experience.
I started modeling at 16 years old, I was inspired by my my mom. Modeling was a crazy journey for me because that’s how I discovered myself. I started with small gigs like modeling for small local businesses that I knew. I eventually just started taking my own pictures at home that looked decently professional because I was in college and could not afford much. Most of the people that gave me opportunities I met through college and fashion school. Most of my work was freelancing and just practicing for big agency’s. Hannah Noelle Modeling will be my first signed agency.
What is your biggest dream?
My biggest dream would be to become a great actress. I don’t just want to “make it” in the film industry, but I also want to be a respected method female actor.
What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?
Being your own kind of beautiful to me, means feeling comfortable in your own skin. For so long I didn’t like how I looked and I always wanted to look like someone else. It wasn’t until I truly worked on my mental health and physical health that started to become happy and healthy. I am not perfect but I am extremely comfortable in my body now.
How would you describe your fashion style?
The first thing I went to school for was fashion. So, you could say I love all sorts of styles and making my own new styles. I would say I mostly wear street wear. I typically love really girly looks or grunge looks. But, I also love high fashion and business casual.
Who or what inspires you?
I would say there have been a significant amount of people that have inspired me to do a lot of things. My parents inspired and motivated me to continue to go to school while becoming an actress and model. My dad is a very talented musician and I always looked up to him. Although, he wouldn’t say he was incredibly talented because he is also so humble which I also admire. He taught me to be talented but keep it down to Earth. My two biggest celebrity inspirations would be David Bowie for being a crazy talented outgoing character and Jenna Marbles a well known YouTube. She started off similar to me, a funny college student with a dream and she became something so much more.
What is your advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling?
My biggest advice is practice. Continuously get better so that you are 100% comfortable in front of that camera. Then, just go for it. If you don’t try, you’ll never know.
Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you.
I think the biggest obstacle that has gotten in the way that I’m still getting over today is, what other people think. I think this really goes hand in hand with failure. I’m scared to put my self out there because of what others are going to say and if I fail I’ll look dumb. What I’ve learned, people are surprisingly more supportive that you think. Also, the more you work towards your goal the more self fulfillment you will feel. Eventually, you won’t feel that anxiety anymore. Focus on yourself and your path and block all of that outside noise.
What makes you beautiful/handsome?
I think a personality will always make you stand out and be more attractive. That’s why I always try to keep an upbeat, happy personality.
What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?
If someone were struggling with their confidence I would ask them what they thought their flaws were and why? Flaws are what make our confidence drop. You can do two things with those flaws fix them or embrace them. Then from there, you can make a move on how to fix or accept yourself. Example, I had bad skin. That’s not something I wanted to accept because I knew I could be better. So I got a dermatologist and fixed my problem. On the other hand I have muscular arms, I always hated them. There was nothing I could do about it so I just learned to accept them and work with them. In order to grow your confidence you have to face your own problems whether it is internal or external. Happiness comes from within.