Alyssa W.

I feel that what makes me the most beautiful is my heart and grace towards others. Even on my hardest days, I will always treat anyone that crosses my path with respect and kindness. I have an understanding that we are all going through different things, and I'd rather leave someone with a positive experience than make their day more difficult. I always joke that my heart sprouts flowers on certain days and that's when I truly feel the most beautiful, when my heart is open and spreading love to others.

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Kristi Trelegan
Kaylee D.

Over the recent years, I have taught myself to be confident. Each morning, I look at myself in the mirror and say a few positive affirmations. Gaining confidence takes time, and we all have our good and bad days. It is important to know your worth, tell yourself you are incredible. I also like to keep a journal, where I write down positives each day. The more you practice confidence, the more it will radiate. I have said positive affirmations to myself for a year now, and I have noticed myself becoming more confident in who I am. Do small things each day which will boost your self esteem, self care is important too!

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Kristi Trelegan
Jesse J.

What makes me beautiful is the way I am on the inside and outside. I love being there for people, and making people laugh. I also am a very empathetic and loving person and it makes me feel beautiful the way im able to care for others.

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Hannah Noelle
Sanaa O.

My advice to someone who is just starting modeling is don’t compare yourself to other models there’s room for everyone in this industry. In this industry there is a lot of rejection to deal with. I say remember to never take it personally every designer and casting Director is looking for something specific and it might not be you this time but it could be you next time.

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Kristi Trelegan
Marndis C.

To be your own kind of beautiful means to be yourself daily 100%. You shouldn’t have to change a thing about you just because people don’t like it. Judgements will never end from people and regardless if they’re good or bad judgments it shouldn’t stop anybody from being their own kind of beautiful (themselves).

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Kristi Trelegan
Jayleen C.

Being your own kind of beautiful is loving who you are, inside and out. It also is not allowing others to dictate what you feel about yourself because you know your own worth.

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Guest User
Lexis W.

I would tell them something that really helps me when I'm struggling. I  always try to remind myself that some days are going to be harder than  others, and its okay to have days when you are less confident than others,  but the way you look and the way you think are unique and is loved by so many people. And I know it’s easier said than done but, your body and  mind are uniquely yours so why waste your time hating it when you could  become comfortable in your own skin.

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Kristi Trelegan
Kathleen C.

I would advise posting what makes you happy and comfortable; you'll find your audience. Work hard, get in touch with several photographers, and submit applications repeatedly. Your closest ally is you, and only you have the power to work hard for what you desire.

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Kristi Trelegan
Josephine B.

I love almost anything with floral, lace, embroidery, pastel, and vintage clothing. May I mention that For Love and Lemons and Gunne Sax are my favorites? I also love an edgy outfit once in a while.

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Kristi Trelegan
Melodie C.

God created us so intricately and with such meaning. We shouldn’t compare ourselves to others based on appearance, success, fame, or money and instead praise the Lord for our individuality. What’s truly beautiful goes beyond superficiality.

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Kristi Trelegan
Megan V.

My advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling is working with a variety of different photographers, which will help you build your confidence and find what modeling styles you love best. Don't let others' opinions stop you from pursuing what you love.

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Kristi Trelegan
Sharon L.

I do not believe the word “beautiful” should have a specific image to represent it. As long as a person is happy and confident, they are beautiful in their own way.

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Kristi Trelegan
Abigail K.

My fashion style is described as street style, glamorous, and chic. Loose clothing does not do my figure justice as well as clothing that accentuates it.

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Kristi Trelegan
Misty Y.

I have been in the US for 10 years by myself. I don't have any family here. Loneliness is the biggest thing for me. But to overcome this you have to keep telling yourself " no one can stop me from pursuing my dream, if you feel sad just crying it out, and then keep moving. You will get stronger one day.

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Kristi Trelegan
Jocelyn Y.

What makes me beautiful is more than meets the eye. My beauty comes from my heart, the empathic qualities I carry, my openness, my strength, always being understanding, and many other things! If we’re talking physical qualities, I love the way my legs look in photoshoots. I have high cheekbones and I love the way my eyes shine when I’m happy!

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Kristi Trelegan
Khalil A.

Confidence is key. In modeling the number one thing is confidence. Not only do you have to showcase confidence in each photo, but confidence also entails being social and meeting photographers and other models.

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Kristi Trelegan
Elvira M.

Renaissance art, street artists and musicians, they have energy of free spirit, I could spend hours watching their performances

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Kristi Trelegan
Lillian B.

I believe that my everyday fashion style consists of many neutral colors. I am often wearing black, white, and nude outfits with a statement piece.

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Kristi Trelegan