Alyssa W.
Waist: 24
Hips: 34
Bust: 32
Height: 5'6
Weight: 100 pounds
Hair/Eye Color: Blonde hair, blue/grey eyes
Tell us about yourself.
I grew up in Green Bay, Wisconsin and moved to Minneapolis, Minnesota when I was 20 years old to attend University of Minnesota Twin Cities for college. Currently, I am 22 years old and finishing up my degree at the U of M and am expected to graduate in Spring of 2023 with a Bachelor's degree in Communications.
I've always been a creative individual and have looked for outlets to exercise these creative muscles. One of my creative outlets is blogging. I've recently created a new personal blog,, where I can update my modeling portfolio, write about fashion, music, books and other interests of mine. I've also had experiences in blogging for a fashion magazine at the U of M, Golden Magazine, and a Minnesota based men's fashion company, Hammer Made.
My other creative outlets include writing and modeling. When I was in elementary school you could find me typing madly away at my dad's laptop and creating short stories that I would print out for my family members. My dad had introduced me to Microsoft Word when I was in third grade, and my younger self looked at a blank page as an opportunity to create. Modeling came later in life as I entered college. I became friends with students who were photographers my freshman year at UW Eau Claire and always left photoshoots having fun. When I moved to the twin cities in 2020, I was exposed to a whole new world of modeling with endless opportunities.
Tell us about your modeling experience.
I was first given the opportunity to model by one of my school friend's who was a photographer during my freshman year of college at UW Eau Claire. Then, I met another photographer in Eau Claire who was consistently inviting me to collaborate with him and those were always my favorite days to look back on in my early years of college. The second photographer, Koobs, was fantastic at finding cool spots to shoot and even offered me the opportunity to model for the Volume One Local Store. We had taken photos of their products and with their products for their website.
When I moved to Minneapolis, I found many more modeling opportunities. I befriended a few photographers in the area and we did some photoshoots in parking ramps with a beautiful view of the city in the background, some in parks, and one in the Walker Art Museum. I had been following a few models in Minneapolis on Instagram, and began applying for various creative events in the area as a model through posts I'd see on Instagram.
After attending multiple creative events, I was blown away by the talent of everyone involved including photographers, hair and makeup artists, stylists, and models. I had entered a community of people that were creative, talented, and empowering to others. I realized that modeling was becoming one of my passions, and I am thrilled to continue this journey with Hannah Noelle Models.
I wrote about my modeling experiences on my personal blog and will link them below:
What is your biggest dream?
My biggest dream would be to have my own fashion brand that is sustainable streetwear and promotes positive mental health awareness messages or social justice messages. I was inspired by Danielle Bernstein, author of This is NOT a Fashion Story and CEO of WeWoreWhat. I was in my sophomore year of college when I first read Bernstein's book and found that she got her start through her personal blog, Her book inspired me to start my own blog, which has now become one of my many passions.
I dream to one day find myself a career in the fashion industry that will allow me to express my creativity and passions. In my personal life, I dream of having a beautiful family that I can support and love and travel with.
What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?
Each individual is unique and there is not one defined "look" to being "beautiful". We all come from different backgrounds, ethnicities, and environments. Each of these characteristics allow us to grow and become the person we choose to show up as everyday. Inner traits such as empathy, love, and compassion can be defined as beautiful and can even be shown externally when people smile or are "glowing" with happiness. In today's world, it can be very difficult not to compare yourself to others because of our advanced technology, what the media portrays as beautiful, or how we see others on social media. It's important to pour love into our own cups and choose to love the internal and external parts of ourselves. Further, I think it's important to acknowledge how beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Beauty can be found in the simplest of things such as braids in one's hair or the way sunlight reflects off one's eyes.
How would you describe your fashion style?
My style is always evolving as I study fashion more in my free time through books and online research. I would describe my current fashion style as city street style and am largely influenced by supermodel Bella Hadid's personal streetwear. I enjoy wearing neutral jackets, baggy pants, matching sets, corsets, and anything unique I can find at a thrift store. On certain days, I enjoy dressing up in business casual outfits. Overall, I generally try to find outfits that make me feel comfortable and empowered.
Who or what inspires you?
My grandma Barb is my biggest inspiration in all aspects of life. Although she had passed away two years ago, she was a huge positive influence on my life. My grandma was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease, but she was always the happiest, brightest person in the room. I believe my heart operates in the same way as hers, always smiling and always having a positive outlook on life. I truly admired her for being a woman who could enter a room and immediately change the environment. Her heart, her mannerisms, and the way she treated others with respect and kindness truly influenced the person I am today.
I am also inspired by music, books, art, photography, and films. I find myself thinking deeply and wondering how art in any form came to life, and how its existence impacts people. I admire creatives for having the heart, passion, and drive to bring something to life. I find myself often at art museums in the area, bookstores and thrift shops, or listening to music whenever I find myself in a creative slump.
What is your advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling?
I would tell someone who is interested in getting started with modeling to find and follow photographers and other models in their area on social media to keep an eye out for opportunities. There are endless opportunities that are posted by the creative community in the area and they are open to everyone-- no experience necessary. When attending your first photoshoot, my strongest advice is to be yourself, get to know the people you are working with, and have fun with it! These events are meant to be fun and collaborative for everyone involved, and you never know who you're going to meet! I would also recommend keeping those connections alive after networking at creative events or photoshoots by reaching out to collaborate with them again or supporting their work that they post on social media.
Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you.
When I first moved to Minneapolis, it was during the pandemic lockdown of Fall of 2020. I was nervous about my move because I knew very few people in the city and it was difficult to meet people during the lockdown when everything was closed. I met many people on Facebook, including a random roommate who continues to be one of my closest friends today. My move pushed me to find comfort in my new environment, especially since I had always lived in small Midwest towns prior to living in Minneapolis. I learned to grow and adapt in new environments, and I find comfort now in change.
During my first year living in the city, a shooting occurred near the U of M campus and my roommate at the time and I were at the scene. No one was injured, thankfully, but the memory is something that still terrifies me. From this experience, I grew accustomed to always being aware of my environment and it took away my comfort in an area that was supposed to make me feel safe. It opened my eyes to understanding that anything can change in the matter of a second. This incident occurred a year ago, and I feel that now I can shape my initial realization to a positive one. If anything can change in the matter of a second, it can be something positive too. Life is too short to spend it being scared and caught up in the negative aspects of life, so I choose to find ways to create happiness for myself through my hobbies or spending time with the people that I love.
Another challenge I experienced in my life was figuring out what I wanted to do for a career path, and it is something that I will always be working on. I have multiple passions and interests, and that led me to changing my major four times at the U of M. Currently, I feel that I'm on the right path and that my following my heart and passions will lead me to a career that I am happy in.
What makes you beautiful/handsome?
I feel that what makes me the most beautiful is my heart and grace towards others. Even on my hardest days, I will always treat anyone that crosses my path with respect and kindness. I have an understanding that we are all going through different things, and I'd rather leave someone with a positive experience than make their day more difficult. I always joke that my heart sprouts flowers on certain days and that's when I truly feel the most beautiful, when my heart is open and spreading love to others.
What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?
I would tell someone who is struggling with their confidence that they are never alone and small steps go a long way. Every individual struggles with a sense of self-confidence and we are all truthfully faking it until we make it. However, the saying "fake it until you make it" holds some truth. If you look at yourself in the mirror, repeat affirmations that is you are powerful, beautiful inside and out, and that you are becoming the person that you want to be, eventually you will believe it. Taking small actions each day will lead to a happier, more confident version of yourself. This may look different for everyone because we all have different things that make us feel happy. I would recommend writing down in a journal things that you feel accomplished in, things that made you smile that day, or anything you feel grateful for. When you write in a journal, you are processing your emotions and the things that are going on in your life. No one knows you like you know yourself. You are the writer of your own story, and everyone has a chance to make their own path in life.