To me, being your own kind of beautiful means that you should not compare yourself to anyone else. When people compare themselves to others, it can cause damage to their mental health. Everyone should feel beautiful in their own skin.
Read MoreConfidence is hard to grasp in today's world with all the negativity and hurtful words. As you go through life you have to realize that what people think or say won't matter tomorrow. Finding confidence comes from the inside.
Read MoreTruly owning your beauty with every fiber of your being. There are more elements to being beautiful than just physical appearance. It includes personality, style, and how we choose to treat others. Being your own kind of beautiful requires loving the most genuine form of you and others.
Read MoreI would tell them to look in the mirror and repeat these affirmations as they've helped me:
I am beautiful.
I am confident.
I am comfortable in my own skin.
I am intelligent.
I am enough.
I am loved.
Today it is time for a change!
Recognizing your soul and who you are internally before recognizing anything physical. You can’t be beautiful unless you’re radiating from within.
Read MoreMy biggest dream is doing something I know will bring me the happiness I deserve. Modeling had brought me a lot of happiness and the reassurance on myself I never thought I would have. My dream is to shake the modeling norm in the industry and showcase the sexiness and creativeness there is in people outside their standards. Normal height people, people with tattoos, people with piercings, all should be accepted as well! I would love to be a part of shaking that social norm.
Read MoreI think being myself makes me the most beautiful. For a long time, I had so much self-doubt in how I looked or acted that it made me stand out less. When I walk into a room, I now stand straight and am proud of who I am. This not only makes me feel more beautiful but also makes me look more beautiful.
Read MoreI get inspired by accomplishing something i’ve been working hard on. It gives me motivation to work harder and harder every day.
Read MoreMy advice would be just to be yourself. Being genuine and real is the most beautiful thing when it comes to the world of modeling. Don’t stress about being perfect because no one is.
Read MoreMy kindness, and my desire to always help others makes me beautiful.
Read MoreNobody can do you like you at the end of the day. Also people are only gonna believe in you as much as you believe in yourself.
Read MoreBeauty comes from behavior, treat people with respect, and you’ll get it double in return. Beauty is caring, respecting and including….and looking good doing it!
Read MoreDo not ever let somebody talk you out of your dreams or what you are thinking of going for. Dreams are meant to be chased and you can get to them. Rejection is a hard part of the process but keeping your focus on what you want will go a long way.
Read MoreWhat makes me beautiful is my height. I grew up hating it but have learned to love it. I wouldn’t change it for the world.
Read MoreWhen I was younger I was very hard on myself. I wasn’t confident and had difficulty loving myself. I wasn’t happy so I decided to focus on myself and learn to trust in myself. It took time but I can now confidently say I love myself.
Read MoreWhat would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?
“I would say to find one thing about yourself that you love (hair color, eyes, hands, smile, etc) and focus on that. Accentuate that feature and then slowly add another feature whenever you're ready. Confidence doesn't come overnight, it takes practice. Find a friend who struggles with you and learn how to bring each other and yourselves up together.”
Read MoreTo be my own kind of beautiful means that I am confident, independent, and humble. I value myself and help those around me, and push myself to be the best version of me.
Read MoreI would say to practice gratitude and affirmation. Instead of focusing on the negatives, find the positives and remind yourself of them daily. Everyone has insecurities, and they can be consuming especially in our society with the prominence of social media. But focus on what you love about yourself and what makes you special, and remind yourself of those things frequently.
Read MoreBeing your own kind of beautiful to me is being true to yourself. Knowing exactly who you are, loving who you are, embracing who you are, and most importantly not letting the opinions of others validate you.
Read MoreEveryone is perfectly imperfect and all we can do is try every day to be our best. Confidence comes from self-love, self-love is accepting you for you, "flaws" and all. YOU are beautiful!
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