Cameron M.
Cameron M.
Connecticut, USA.
Age: 22
Waist: 27
Hips: 36
Bust: 32
Height: 5’5
Weight: 105
Hair/Eye color: platinum blonde/ blue
Tell us about yourself (where are you from, age, whatever you want to add)
My name is Cameron, i’m 22 from the northwest corner of Connecticut! I am a hard working person & great at multitasking, and love to meet new people. I am currently a bartender at a local restaurant, but would like to take my modeling career more serious, enough to be full time!
Tell us about your modeling experience.
I was reached out by two photographers at the age of 19 in the year 2019 to try and do some photo shoots! I never thought about being in front of a camera, but never realized how much I was going to love it. I worked with those same two photographers for about a year or so to get comfortable in the idea of being a model. Building a connection with photographers give you the advantage of confidence to try new things! In December of 2021 I went to New York and tried out for castings & agency’s, but sadly was ghosted and left with no response, but that didn’t stop me. January rolled around and I took modeling as serious as ever, got myself out there and did all kinds of modeling all over New England, and was able to meet amazing photographers and models along the way, and I can’t wait to keep pushing myself forward!
What is your biggest dream?
My biggest dream is doing something I know will bring me the happiness I deserve. Modeling had brought me a lot of happiness and the reassurance on myself I never thought I would have. My dream is to shake the modeling norm in the industry and showcase the sexiness and creativeness there is in people outside their standards. Normal height people, people with tattoos, people with piercings, all should be accepted as well! I would love to be a part of shaking that social norm.
What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?
Being your own kind of beautiful is so contagious. Being your own person with your own sense of style and creativity really showcase who you are as a person. Carrying yourself with your head your high no matter the standard is ridiculously contagious for people around you. “Beautiful” doesn’t have a specific style, look, color, shape, anything, being able to create your own “beautiful” influences others to follow in your footsteps!
How would you describe your fashion style?
My style fluctuates depending on the weather, but I am a heavy street style wearer. I like anything that makes me feel cozy in my body and is easy to put together and take off. I like to keep my style simple so it can be universal for many things! Simple is best! My go to looks include cropped shirt or big tee shirts with biker shorts and a good pair of dunks, or maybe even a cute set with dunks.
Who or what inspires you?
What inspires me to keep moving forward is the ground breaking revolution of young women & men breaking the social norm when it comes to modeling. Now more than ever, people are becoming more themselves and showcasing themselves in a way of beauty they could’ve done all along. Breaking the norm of the tall skinny modeling has been what has got me to where I am today. Coming from someone who suffered from a 4 year on going eating disorder, all I did was judge myself on how I looked. Never would I have thought about the confidence of accepting myself would bring me to do, and the amount of confidence modeling gave me. I love myself, and everyone showing the love for themselves inspired me to keep doing what i’m doing and hopefully influences others as well!
What is your advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling?
My advice i’m starting in the industry is to work frequently with a small number of photographers. It really allows you to build your confidence up and feel open to trying to styles of modeling. Building a connection with a photographers keeps your options endless and you can create very nice work. Until you have the confidence & experience to move forward, the world is your oyster.
Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you.
Like I mentioned before, I suffered from an eating disorder for about 4 years that stripped me of any confidence and any positive outlook on myself. I let everything everyone would say on social media dictate how I viewed myself and mistreated myself for so many years. Never letting myself reach any sort of happiness or acceptance, I wasn’t living my own life. Realizing how depressed it makes you, I went to seek help at my lowest point, that being the height I am and sitting at 82 pounds. Shortly after hitting my rock bottom, I decided to switch my attitude around and slowly everything else in my life did as well. I noticed how far a smile and confidence can actually go for you, and change the people around you. Although some times I didn’t feel it, I would act confident and put together until I actually was! Once you accept yourself, the positives out rule every negative you can think of, and you become contagious and attract what is meant for you in your life. Although I would’ve never wanted to go through that experience of guilt and self hatred, It shaped me into the laid back, open minded, creative person I am today. I would NEVER imagine that I would enjoy seeing myself in front of a camera for anyone to see, but the excitement of that itself is what makes me who I am today.
What makes you beautiful/handsome?
What makes you beautiful is how you carry yourself & present yourself to the world. And also having a positive mindset. How you carry yourself dictates of people see you, presenting yourself is how people think of you, and your mindset has the power to take you anywhere you need to go in life. You can not have outer beauty with you inner beauty.
What would you say to another guy/girl your age who is struggling with their confidence?
Fake it until you make it. I know it sounds basic and some what harsh, but forcing yourself to have the “confidence” to do something gives you the room to try it again, with even more confidence than before, improvement. People are attracted to confidence, you want to do more work? Come off as confident. You want to get yourself out there? Confidence could make you be look at before someone else. Confidence is the key to any path of life!