What makes me beautiful is the way I am constantly trying to better myself. My only competition is who I was yesterday and an hour ago. I will always be open minded to new things and other points of view which will allow me to continuously grow.
Read MoreConfidence doesn’t come instantly, but it is built through experience. If you have a dream, chase it even if it is scary, use fear as the motivation. Use rejection as a starting point, and eventually you will have too much experience to not have confidence.
Read MoreTo someone that is struggling with their confidence, God created you with amazing potential. Confidence is a process and a work in progress, not a permanent state of being. Do something that makes you feel good. Look good, because when you look good you feel good.
Read MoreI think my soul is what makes me beautiful. When someone’s soul is beautiful, they automatically become beautiful inside and out. I think I have a good heart, and I think I’m very genuine and honest. I think deeply about things and I wish the best for a lot of people, whether they deserve it or not. I’m a very raw person, I don’t hide anything, and sometimes that scares people. I’m not afraid to be who I am, and some people can’t handle that. I think me being who I am is what makes me beautiful.
Read MoreBeauty is subjective, and what truly defines you is who you are. First and foremost, love who you are, then love your life, find happiness in what you do, and find contentment! For a long time, I struggled with my reflection, and I realized that my hatred for the mirror was a deeper hatred for myself. It took a long time for me to realize my worth and fall in love with the person who looked back at me. It will take time, but the first step is to acknowledge how you treat yourself.
Read MoreBeing your own kind of beautiful is loving and accepting yourself, flaws, and all! Being unapologetically you and not caring what people think or have to say about you will benefit you in more ways than one. We are unique and beautiful in our own way. Embrace it.
Read MoreLow self-confidence is not a life sentence. Self-confidence can be learned, practiced and mastered. Once you master it everything in your life it will change for the better. We are what our thoughts have made us, so take care of what you think, and remember we are all unique, there's no other like you, so shine.
Read MoreWhat makes me beautiful is my heart. I most definitely wear my heart on my shoulder, and I put people before me. I feel that the world simply needs a lot more love.
Read MoreGet started now, don’t let anyone or anything hold you back. Be consistent and always have confidence.
Read MoreI think to be beautiful is to really embrace who you are and be confident in your uniqueness. There is only one you and I think that when you fully take that in and love yourself that is the most gorgeous a person can be.
Read MoreBeing your own kind of beautiful is learning to embrace everything that makes you, you. Owning all of your perfections/flaws and walking with your head high. You’re confident and you help others see the beauty within themselves as well.
Read MoreTo me, beauty comes from within. Having self confidence and knowing your worth plays a big part with being beautiful.
Read MoreTo be your own kind of beautiful is to accept who you are flaws and all. I have spent so much time learning to love my body and be comfortable in my skin that I truly love myself and try to encourage others to love themselves and not compare because there is only one you.
Read MoreI believe that all of God’s creation is fearfully and wonderfully made in his image. The light that you allow to shine to others shows confidence and defines beauty. Being your own kind of beautiful is defined by this.
Read MoreWhat makes me beautiful is my soul. I always try to be the best version of myself, even when the days are not the best. I overcome and concur to make a bad day, a good day by putting a smile on others faces and helping someone who needs assistance even if it’s just a shoulder to lean on. I think anyone who puts others before themselves is beautiful.
Read MoreMy biggest dream huh… I can tell you about all the things I want to accomplish in my life which would be a very long list. But I do have this intuition that God brought me to this world, to where I am to leave my mark wherever I go. I have seen what manifestation can do and I strongly stand by it. Might not be the way you planned it, but surely what you seek is seeking you. And I seek prosperity.
Read MoreBeing your own kind of beautiful means that everyone is different and the things that make us unique are our biggest strengths that helps us stand out. Being beautiful comes from the inside and shines out. Our personality is what makes us special.
Read MoreBeing your own kind of beautiful means to be uniquely yourself and have the confidence in everything you do in life.
Read MoreBeauty, art and culture inspires me. I follow men and women who have stepped out of their comfort zone to show their art and passion.
Read MoreI’d say I have a wide variety of style, absolutely depends on the weather (being from Minnesota) and how I’m feeling that day! Some days I may feel more masculine or ’street style' (pair of Jordans, sweats and a hat). To feminine where I want to wear a skirt or dress and 4 inch heels! I feel confident, I will wear it. Most times I don’t think it’s the clothes that I wear it’s how I feel in the clothes that makes the outfit.
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