Sarah L.
Sarah L.
Utah, USA.
Age: 25
Waist: 26
Hips: 34
Bust: 35
Height: 5'3
Weight: 104 lb
Hair/Eye Color: Dark blonde/ Blue
Tell us about yourself (where are you from, age, whatever you want to add)
I was born and raised in SLC, UT and I have almost reached my 26th year around the sun. I have loved growing up close to the mountains, you'll catch me adventuring up there any chance I get. I have a 4 year old Maine coon tabby that is just the sweetest. I love the sunshine, ice cold water, good skin care, and food the size of my face.
Tell us about your modeling experience.
In total I have 14 years experience in this wonderful industry. I started modeling at 7, with my sister for her photography class. I remember having so many things glued to my face and arms and she would make outfits that in the final piece, would look like royal gowns, making me understand from a very young age that fashion is created behind the scenes. I had a few years between 14 and 18 that I had explored the art of photography. I was 18 when I modeled with a friend for a local photographer, I remembered very clearly why I always loved modeling, and the rest is history. The art of modeling and photography are sisters and they are some of the coolest ways I have ever seen anyone get their ideas from their head into reality to inspire others.
What is your biggest dream?
To have a wonderful and fulfilled life day to day and year to year that I can look back on when I am old and realize that the life I have continuously built for myself will constantly encourage growth through inspiration for myself and others.
What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?
To love when it's easy and it's hard equally, to never quit (even though a breathing break is necessary for any soul), to constantly ask yourself 'what makes me happy and why?', to be able to look at yourself with acceptance and love each day. With all of this, unique, unwavering beauty shines through.
How would you describe your fashion style?
My fashion style is like the waves of the ocean, constantly the same vibe but always a little different. I love black, it is the staple of my closet, though rainbow everything makes me too happy to rationally discuss. I love so many different styles from editorial-esque and grunge to a cute crop top and leggings. I can never get enough boots in my life, even when I am buying specific heels or comfy shoes, I still find myself eying a pair of boots that look too similar to all my other boots to justify getting a 100th pair.
Who or what inspires you?
My family, and friends who become family. The women and men of the world who consistently make change not only economically but with research into mental health. My cat, the outdoors *THE SUN THOUGH*, fresh pieces of nature like flowers and stones, Alan Watts' speeches (his voice is so soothing), the never ending healing effect of music on the soul, the ability to show love and energy for what makes me feel happy.
What is your advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling?
Don't give up, constantly communicate with people you work with, and ask yourself your 'why' all the time. Each model is different and that 'why' is what is going to keep you going from casting to job and keep you on the path of creating in the way you originally set out to. Each time you work, you get better, even when you are 14+ years in, you will still learn things that 'wow' you constantly.
Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you.
Being in a family of 9, I saw a lot of people go through life challenges before I did, so luckily as I went through them, I had a lot of examples of how I wanted to react to a certain situation if and when it ever happened to me. I could not imagine where I would be without my entire family. I have gone through heartache, and having my life turned upside down then right side up again. The best thing that I can say about it is that even in the thick of it, reminding myself that everything is going to be okay because it once was and will be again with time and work, has always pulled me through. As long as you constantly try your best, you will never end up anywhere bad. That is my motto.
What makes you beautiful/handsome?
The way I am constantly trying to better myself. My only competition is who I was yesterday and an hour ago. I will always be open minded to new things and other points of view which will allow me to continuously grow.
What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?
There is nobody who assigns value to your life, you are the only one who can do that. To understand how important you are to the world starts inside you, which can be changed by taking care of yourself. Ask 'why am I feeling this way?', really ask yourself and come up with ANY answer. Go outside, read a book you have been eying, talk to a friend or family member about everything on your mind. Anyone who you know will help talk you out of your head even just a little bit to the point where you can start to take care of yourself by going outside, drinking water and eating food. Get yourself to the space where you can clearly answer the question of why you are feeling a certain way. Life with effort will never take you anywhere bad as long as you're doing your best. You got this in the bag, just believe what you want is yours, that it's already here, and before you know it you'll open your eyes and what you want will be staring at you in the face. Manifestation, belief that your dream life is yours, and constantly putting yourself into situations that make you feel your best will change any doubt you have about yourself.