Emily S.

If you are struggling with low confidence, ask yourself, who and what are you surrounding yourself with? If the answer is people constantly criticizing others and not having anything kind to say, then it’s most likely not the best environment for you. Make sure you surround yourself with those who make you feel beautiful and uplift each other with kindness. As a community we need to understand the importance of environments we put ourselves in and what will lift us up rather than tear us down.

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Julia J.

Self-love is very important and not the easiest thing to obtain. But if you know what you are worth then you already have all the confidence you need. Be who you are and you will shine every time you walk into the room.

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Rachel S.

For me being your own kind of beautiful means being able to embrace all parts of yourself and cherish and love them. It can sometimes be a hard thing to do but at the end of the day the love we have for ourselves is a big reflection of who we are. Beauty comes in many different forms and being able to appreciate our own kind of beauty, internally and externally is key.

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We are all imperfect beings but we are also 1 of 1. There’s no one else like you on earth and that is something you will always have to fall back on. Being one of a kind is a special trait to have and that’s where your confidence lives. In the simple fact that you and only you are you. Embrace that.

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Jocelyn M.

To any young adults my age that are struggling with their confidence, I would tell them that they are beautiful in their own way and they can do anything they set their mind to no matter what anyone says.

As long as you have a good heart you are beautiful inside and out.

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Peyton F.

Love yourself. There is no one else like you and I appreciate you more than you know. Not only are you beautiful on the inside but also the outside, whether you see it or not.

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Julia S.

My advice for you, God made everyone different and beautiful so use that to your advantage. Walk into that room with your head up high and act like you own the place (even if you don’t). No one will question it because no one knows you. As well as, who cares if you embarrass yourself because you will never see those people again. You only live once so live your life to the fullest. If you were to die tomorrow would you be happy with your life?

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Raquel A.

What makes me beautiful is my personality and love for others. I will make sure that someone else gets their needs before me. If someone is struggling whether that be financially, mentally, or physically. I want people to know that I am that person that they can count on. The world is already a messy place and I just want to spread kindness and care to people that need it the most.

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Giovanni R.

How would you describe your fashion style?

“I would say I'm still building my style, however if i had to describe I would say classic, chic but mostly urban street wear!”

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Nhaan N.

To me, being your own kind of beautiful means accepting who you are, embracing your flaws. Stop comparing yourself to others and learn to love yourself. Everyone is beautiful in their own way but wants so badly to look like someone else. There is only one of YOU so be the best YOU!

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Ali H.

I think something that makes me beautiful, as well as others, is authenticity. Like I said before, beauty radiates from the inside out!

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Brianne D.

I think my kindness makes me beautiful. I always try my hardest and lend a helping hand when I can and show compassion to those who need it. I live by the quote, "where there is kindness, there is goodness, and where there is goodness, there is magic."

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Kimmy J.

I am beautiful because I am choosing to believe I am. My natural beauty is good enough. I am worth being here. Because God has said I am and loves me. Because I am grounded, laid-back and open. I am seeing myself with eyes of love. I am allowing myself to do this. I am allowing my brain to find the good.

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Cinderella A.

Everybody has the ability to be confident. No one is just born with it. You have to build on it like you would a house or any structure. At first, it won’t be sturdy or look great even. But as you build on it, it’ll become solid. As long as you’re happy with the outcome & it feels like home, you have confidence that no one can take from you! Because you know what you have & what you’re capable of. Don’t let someone break what you built!

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Noelle W.

You will encounter a thousand “no’s”, or “maybe next times” but it only takes one “yes”. Don't give up if it is something you're passionate about.

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Jaelyn A.

Being your own kind of beautiful to me can be shown through a smile. I say that because I think there is nothing more beautiful than genuine happiness. I love to spread positivity throughout my daily interactions with people whether it’s telling someone to have a nice day or complimenting the outfit they are wearing.

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Ella K.

Being your own kind of beautiful means staying true to your values and who you are. It means never forgetting that your true beauty comes from within.

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Lily R.

Growing up I was always told that my dreams of becoming a model were unrealistic, and now it motivates me because I really owe it to my childhood self to do what I love and make her proud.

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Brooke R.

Confidence does not come from buying a new brand of mascara. It comes from the time you spend with yourself and recognizing the value you bring to the table. So often our confidence is based purely on our appearance, but it has to root deeper than that. Start by finding a few things you love about yourself and recognizing those. It is based on building blocks, you have to build a foundation before you create a fortress.

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