Kate O.

For someone struggling with confidence, I find being alone and learning to trust yourself and do things for yourself helps tremendously. Also replace your negative thoughts with positive ones every day and you’ll eventually believe the positive thoughts.

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Mary Alex E.

My dream changes based on what I want vs. what God has in store for me. But, I have found that He has given me a natural sense of courage and determination. With these traits, I have found that I am comfortable being in front of a crowd, public speaking, strong enough to run 6 marathons, and to move away from home for boarding school and college. I know His plan has prepared me to be independent, not only financially but as a woman. Divorce is common in my family, and I refuse to fall into that commonality. Thus, I am dependent on God but remain strong and independent throughout my life and finances.

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Greta B.

Everyone is beautiful in their own way. Embrace your features, remember that you are unique, and most importantly be yourself. Being on social media, you constantly feel like you have to like others or do what others do to be beautiful, but being yourself is the most beautiful.

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Shella J.

My advise to someone whose just coming into the modeling industry is to never give up. You will receive a lot of no’s, but that doesn’t mean you should quit. In fact that just means you should keep pushing because your uniqueness will be appreciated by someone who matters. You will make it. Just don’t give up.

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Victoria M.

I love to laugh and make others laugh. I’m also the type who is a big ‘cheerleader’ and a fangirl to most of my friends. I believe a supportive, confident and attractive personality makes a person beautiful.

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Gabrielle G.

I would say that everyone is unique and beautiful in their own individual way. It would not be called fashion if everyone dressed the same. So wear the clothes you want too but differ from time to time because you know it’s not society’s standard of what to wear. We are the only ones who should abide by our own standards without any influence from the public. So be who you are and your confidence will follow because there can never be two of you. Appearances can always be a struggle so why try to fit in when you can stand out.

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Sidney M.

I believe there isn't one physical trait that makes me beautiful but the fact that there is no one else out there that looks like me, that I am a completely unique human being with a set of skills and that's what makes me beautiful, my uniqueness.

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Ajanay B.

I am here to tell you that it’s not too late. It will never be too late to learn yourself, to accept yourself, and to love yourself. Speak highly of yourself as if you are the Queen/King of the world. Be patient with yourself and teach yourself a new skill called Love. Show yourself what it feels like to be loved before you try to seek it from others. You are the best you that you can be. No matter how hard someone tries to be like you, they can never be you, and that’s the joy in being an individual. Create the identity you want to be and be your own proof that anything is possible.

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Francesca T.

My advice to someone who's just starting in modeling is be patient and PRAY. I say practice prayer and patience, because God will always give us the desires of our hearts when we delight in Him, and on HIS time.

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Claire S.

My definition of my own kind of beautiful is being confident in your own skin, and owning who you are. I grew up being told, take pride in who you are and where you come from. I also believe in the saying, you don’t wear clothes, the clothes wear you.

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Sydney R.

I think that my mind is what makes me beautiful. I am strong and I am smart, and that is something that will never change like my physical appear might.

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Hayli B.

As cliche as it may sound, having confidence in your own self makes you your own kind of beautiful. Everyone is beautiful and unique in their own way, but the influence of social media distracts people from remembering this. Whether you may have hip dips, big eyes, a big forehead, curves, it all makes you special in your own way. Everyone is gorgeous, pretty, beautiful, whatever term that you want to use. You just need to find the confidence in yourself to help as a reminder, and you will see how truly beautiful you are.

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Abigail R.

What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?

“I would say that they are beautiful just the way they are. Not because of how they look but because of their personality, emotions, intentions, and flaws. Every one of those things makes us human and people are beautiful just the way they are.”

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Regan K.

I think beautiful can be defined by personality, actions, looks, and anything a person feels makes them or others stand out from the crowd in a positive and beautiful light. For me, it’s being tall and having German features that makes me feel beautiful because it connects me to my family and my roots.

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Casey M.

Being our own kind of beautiful is living life the way that you know you should live it, without any worry of who will still be around when you do. Being your own kind of beauty you become more confident…you become more comfortable and most importantly become yourself!

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Jasmine Y.

To me being your own kind of beautiful is to fully accept yourself for who you are. The good and bad. Knowing you’re constantly evolving and slowly becoming the person you want to be.

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