Jessica F.

To be your own kind of beautiful you need to be yourself and embrace everything that you have to offer. Accept all your flaws and know that you truly are a beautiful human. Always be yourself and fight the urge the comply with society’s standards. Being your own kind of beautiful is being you, every single day, without having to compromise your morals or values. Be confident in all that you do and remember to stand tall and be the person you were made to be.

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Akili W.

I think something that everyone should know when they are trying to get into modeling is not to give up and to give yourself time to succeed. We all mature and overcome new challenges at our own rate. But if you love it never give up!

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Alexandra D.

I’m in love with the quote “Be your own kind of beautiful”. Through my interpretation, it means to embrace the beauty within you. It’s very easy to get lost in a rabbit hole of society’s standards and forget that everyone is not meant to look the same! Each person is uniquely gorgeous and deserves to embody their beauty to the fullest.

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Mia M.

This world is filled with so many different sizes, shapes and colors and the moment you accept yourself and who you are then you will notice the true beauty.

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Diana M.

My love and consideration for others is what makes me beautiful. I think that no matter what, everyone is beautiful in their own unique way.

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Breona W.

Learning to accept your scars on your body, accepting you’ve made mistakes and turning those mistakes into loving yourself as you are, as a model it took me time to accept those things and how short I was but now I plan on ruling the world with who I am!

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Madison G.

I am inspired by my roots and where I came from. I grew up in a small farm town and expressing your creativity isn’t something most people do there. I’ve always loved fashion but I couldn’t be my truest self there. When I moved out. That’s when everything changed for me.

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Ashley W.

I love this question because it really is so hard to define. I think everyone is beautiful in their own way so it’s hard to pinpoint what it is exactly that makes people beautiful. Although, to me; it's simply kindness. In life there are a lot of different things you can be; pretty, successful, rich, witty, but in my opinion none of that means a thing if the person lacks kindness and confidence. No matter what you look like on the outside, if you are content and true to who you are, you're gonna find others who love you for the authenticity.

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Kim V.

Take a moment and give gratitude for everything that you have, any small wins. Soon you'll realize how much you truly have accomplished.

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Kaya S.

Being your own kind of beautiful to me means living life the way you should, without any worry of what anyone else thinks. Simply being your true self.

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Karina R.

I would say that your health and confidence are two of the most important things in life. Never focus on what everyone else looks like and instead focus on what makes YOU special.

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Kaitlin S.

To understand your own beauty is such an hard request since we’re constantly told what beauty should look like. But for me, I think the most beautiful part of me is my heart and my compassion for others. Looking in the mirror only shows half the beauty, try beauty comes from helping others!

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Stephanie M.

What inspires me is my work of art, I inspire myself by painting what I feel on the inside and not overthink what I am creating, It opens my mind to a whole new perspective of life.

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Miranda R.

Being your own kind of beautiful is coloring outside of the lines of society’s norms. Authenticity overpowers all beauty standards.

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Julia H.

Whoever you are, whatever you stand for, remember to always be her and be her proudly -- that is the best form of beauty!

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Amani S.

Look at yourself in the mirror at 4 am when the world is sleeping. When you see that individual, that is who I like to call your identity because nothing is purer and more beautiful than seeing yourself at 4 am. Be who you want to be and not what others expect of you.

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Alexandra S.

I think the meaning of being your own kind of beautiful is just being your true authentic self. No matter what that may be. As long as you love yourself for who you are. That is beautiful. We all have different walks of life, different backgrounds, different personalities and I believe that is beautiful. We live in a society where we are told to act, dress, look, or talk a certain way which suppresses who we really want to be. Just be your true beautiful self.

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Sofia S.

To me being your own kind of beautiful means understanding that we are all unique and showing pride in who we are…exactly the way we are! When we look past just the physical aspects, delving more into the mental and emotional side of beauty, we can learn that believing in our strength and worth both internally and externally, is most important when it comes to being and feeling “beautiful”. Beauty truly does come from within and the way we speak to ourselves, as well as others. Not a single person will ever be YOU, nor will you ever be like THEM…and that, perhaps, is the most beautiful thing of all!

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