Alexandra S.
Alexandra S.
Arizona, USA.
Age: 25
Waist: 30
Hips: 41
Bust: 36
Height: 5’8
Weight: 169 lb
Hair/Eye Color: Brown/ Brown
Tell us about yourself (where are you from, age, whatever you want to add)
Im Alexandra, I live in Phoenix, Arizona but I am originally from Southern California. Besides modeling, I also am a Semi-Pro soccer player. I have played soccer for almost 17 years of my life ranging from club soccer to D1 college soccer. Soccer has always been a huge part of my life alongside being in front of a camera. I also really love the arts. I may not be any good at it but I love to paint, draw, and sing on my downtime when I am at home. Another fun fact about me is I am a total "gym rat" I pretty much live there 6 days a week. Keeping a healthy lifestyle is a huge part of my life currently.
Tell us about your modeling experience.
Since I was 8 years old I grew up doing a few beauty pageants which led me into modeling. I never was signed to an agency but modeling was always a confidence booster for me to do on the side. I'm finally getting back into it and I'm so excited to be doing what I love again.
What is your biggest dream?
My biggest dream is to do something I love while also making the world a better place. I know that seems so common or cliche but I feel that deep down I am supposed to be helping those around me for the better.
What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?
I think the meaning of being your own kind of beautiful is just being your true authentic self. No matter what that may be. As long as you love yourself for who you are. That is beautiful. We all have different walks of life, different backgrounds, different personalities and I believe that is beautiful. We live in a society where we are told to act, dress, look, or talk a certain way which suppresses who we really want to be. Just be your true beautiful self.
How would you describe your fashion style?
I would say my style changes every other month. I go from relaxed athleisure wear to a soft grunge look. Honestly my fashion depends on how I am feeling that day.
Who or what inspires you?
My parents inspire me the most. My dad has always been my rock. He has always worked so hard to give me what I need in my life. No matter what the costs may have been and I respect him so much for that. He is also the kindest person I know. No matter what, he treats everyone kindly and always tries to put a smile on anyone's face. My mom inspires me because she always goes after her dreams no matter what obstacles are in her way. She always knows what she wants and makes sure that she gets it.
What is your advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling?
The advice I would give someone is to be confident in yourself and to try new things. Being confident will bring out so much more for you in a photo or on the runway. Trying new things like poses, facial expressions will help you ;earn what works best for your body and angles.
Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you.
My life has been filled with numerous obstacles such as my parents being divorced at a young age. Me blowing my knee out a week before my college season started and what I can say about those events is it has taught me how to mentally be strong. To not ever give up on myself and always look at the brighter side of things. There are people that have it worse than me somewhere in the world. These events have made me the strong minded woman I am today.
What makes you beautiful/handsome?
I am beautiful because I am me. I am proud of the way I have developed as a human being and will always continue to grow for the better.
What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?
Don't listen to what others tell you, who cares about them. What matters is how you feel on the inside and outside. Just be YOU. Who cares if that doesn't make sense to others, the world, your family etc. Be confident, own it. Own what you are able to offer and bring to the table :)