Sofia S.
Sofia S.
Texas, USA.
Age: 18
Waist: 25
Hips: 37.5
Bust: 33
Height: 5’8.5
Hair/Eye Color: Blue/ Green
Tell us about yourself (where are you from, age, whatever you want to add)
My name is Sofia Solis Welch, and I am currently living in Dallas,TX. I am half American, half Guatemalan and was born in Phoenix, AZ. I lived in Guatemala for about 7 years and grew up speaking both English and Spanish. I have a big passion for spreading kindness and positivity to people around me and have a true zest for life!
Tell us about your modeling experience.
I started modeling at the age of 3 and did multiple commercials and print work for brands in Central America. When I moved to Texas, I signed with the Kim Dawson Agency in Dallas and worked with local brands, as well as companies like Nike, AT&T, etc. to shoot catalogs and campaigns. I took a break from modeling to focus on school, but in the mean time, I worked with many photographers to help them build their portfolio and promote their work. I’m looking to keep growing my experience in the industry and am stoked for what’s to come in the near future!
What is your biggest dream?
My biggest dream is to grow my career and be successful as a model where I’m able to work with a variety of brands to promote fashion for all kinds of women, and travel the world to experience all that this life has to offer. Those are the biggest goals I’m hoping to achieve in my lifetime but in all honesty, living a full and healthy life surrounded by love and happiness is the true dream in the end.
What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?
To me being your own kind of beautiful means understanding that we are all unique and showing pride in who we are…exactly the way we are! When we look past just the physical aspects, delving more into the mental and emotional side of beauty, we can learn that believing in our strength and worth both internally and externally, is most important when it comes to being and feeling “beautiful”. Beauty truly does come from within and the way we speak to ourselves, as well as others. Not a single person will ever be YOU, nor will you ever be like THEM…and that, perhaps, is the most beautiful thing of all!
How would you describe your fashion style?
I take a lot of pride in my fashion style and it’s diversity! When it comes to clothing, I make like a chameleon and switch it up depending on the day or even my mood. I love creating new looks and trying new themes because I feel that there is no limit when it comes to fashion, and is one of the best ways for one to express themselves!
Who or what inspires you?
Although it’s quite cliché, I’m greatly inspired by the idea that “Anything is Possible!” There are so many opportunities in life that will open up doors for us if we truly work hard for it. There are no limitations, unless we create them ourselves. Growing up I’ve always been inspired and motivated to create a future where I can truly indulge in all the beauty this world has to offer.
What is your advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling?
As somebody who is also getting back into the modeling industry, I think the best advice I could give someone is “you’ll never know if you don’t try.” In my time away from modeling, I would often go back and forth debating on whether I should return or not, worried it wouldn’t work out for me. This was until I realized that I will never find out if I don’t take the leap of faith. I’ve gotten in this mindset and in a short time, I’ve already seen the positive impact it has made on my life.
Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you.
In my life I have had to overcome many different obstacles but, one of the biggest has to be when I moved to Dallas from Guatemala at the age of 7. Moving schools is one thing, but moving to an entire different country is another. I had to leave everything I grew up with behind, completely start over, and build new connections. At the time it was very difficult but looking back at it now, I am so grateful I had the opportunity grow up in two amazing cultures. Having to go through such a big change at a young age, really shaped my personality into someone who finds the positive in every situation. There is always a silver lining!
What makes you beautiful/handsome?
I believe that there is a variety of factors that go into ones beauty, but I would like to consider that one of the main things that makes me beautiful is my personality and outlook on life. I have been a positive, happy-go-lucky type of girl since I can remember and have always looked at the world through rose colored glasses! In my life, I have won multiple titles for being “the friendliest” or the “most kind” and I take a lot of pride in that, since I feel that the way I treat someone is what I’ll get in return. Everybody deserves to be loved and appreciated and I have worked hard to do just that…and don’t plan on changing anytime soon!
What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?
Confidence isn’t about what you have, where you’re from, what you wear, or how you look…Confidence is a Mindset. Changing your thoughts from a Fixed Mindset to a Growth Mindset, will allow you to take any challenges that come your way and look them in a “I get to” vs. “I have to” kind of way. We all have insecurities and things that bring us down, but we also all have the power to make changes. Keep pushing to better yourself, while still giving yourself credit for how far you have come. We only have one life, so it’s vital that we own what we have and stop worrying about what others think, because in the end, it’s OUR life to live!