Kimmy J.
Kimmy J.
California, USA.
Age: 28
Waist: 26.5
Hips: 39
Bust: 34
Height: 5'9
Weight: 140 lb
Hair/Eye Color: light brown / blue - green
Tell us about yourself (where are you from, age, whatever you want to add)
From the good ol' Hemet, CA as well as Claremont, CA. One is rural countryside and another is a more prestigious college community. I am 28 years old!! I am passionate about motivating others by helping them overcome obstacles in their lives so they can pursue their dreams. I am building a book club focused on personal and business development! I also hope to someday own an obstacle course race for kids!
Tell us about your modeling experience.
To be honest, it's been a rough journey. Been on and off since I was 14 years old and to be honest it's been hell of a roller coaster ride. Filled with a little bit of modeling work, rejection, seeking acceptance, hard workouts, working with agents, then going freelance, going to college, serving a church mission and then fully deciding to come back to the industry and pushing hard to be a successful full time model. But once again facing rejection, feeling stagnant, and going in circles, signing with a few agencies, getting a lot of push to be more lean and defined and needing a stronger book, etc and not booking anything for a year, and pushing my own freelance work. Here I am still at it, still hopeful and finding a new agency more aligned with and supportive. Mamy mental shifts had to happen to let go of a lot of the rejection and growth to continue to pursue this dream and to take things into my own hands to create the content I want and find those who will support me for who I am and for what I look like. I am filled with so much excitement for the future.
What is your biggest dream?
My biggest dream is to be a full time model, breaking the standards, showing myself love for making it happen. Building such a big book club that it reaches all across the nation making others believe in themselves. It'd be amazing to be interviewed for those differences made and the journey overcoming obstacles and achieving.
What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?
To be your own kind of beautiful to me is a loaded complicated feeling. It involves experience, period of time, maturity, mindshifts, acceptance of self, boundaries, accountability, awareness, etc., but most importantly centering oneself on love. With every reaction to anyone or any situation may love be the feeling you are motivated by, but also the feeling others you leave them feeling. Such a hard type of beauty to master.
Means being open to yourself, open to yourself physically as well as open to others way of thinking and their physical appearance.
How would you describe your fashion style?
I honestly feel like it's been in these last couple of years I've really tapped into more of my style and even more actively building it these last several months. I feel like I am a late bloomer when it comes to fashion. I am realizing I am really into more of the urban, street wear type of look; eccentric, edgy, tomboy, with feminine touches. However, I can be so indifferent and all over the spectrum with my daily outfits. I may want to wear all my rings and put on a cool outfit one day and then throw on a very second hand, mis-matching outfit with items I have had since I was a teen looking like a scrub. Just because I could care less and it's comfy. And, no it's not a cute fashionable comfy look, but literally a large tee of a print with doctor rob and pens on the front and then some old basketball shorts from my ex. (haha)
Who or what inspires you?
A desire to make a difference in the lives around me. Seeing other models with similar stories as me make it happen. Seeing other women I know push to accomplish their dreams in whatever industry that is. Having amazing conversations with friends about business and dreams. Listening to podcasts, youtube videos on motivation, personal development and business. Getting a good workout in and feeling super inspired. Last but not least, the spirit. It's my biggest inspiration. Constantly sending me ideas of ways to serve others.
What is your advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling?
My advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling is never give up. ACCEPT YOURSELF FULLY. Find an agent/agency that supports you for you. Interview agencies; ask them goals they have with you, their clients, the types of divisions they have, their values, contracts, etc. Be curious and remember you are in control and it's a partnership. You are a business and so treat it as one.
This industry is a seasonal industry; constantly in motion and constantly changing. Create content you want to see more of. Develop skills like editing, photography, and more. Work on your craft; 10 mins a day play some music and move in front of a mirror and practice posing. Learn how to do your own make-up. Record yourself on your phone practicing so you can watch yourself and analyze. Taking your own photos helps a ton to learn the angle of the camera, your angles and lighting. Get on set for production in general if you can; go be a background actor or any entry level for any of the departments to just be on set for TV/Film
Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you.
Love this question!! Totally my theme! Some of the obstacles I have had to overcome in my life are learning to be more dependent as I grew up as an only child with a single mom. We had to lean on each other and I have had to do a lot on my own growing up quickly and alone a lot. Learning how to use technology (haha); I feel like a fake millennial because I have been slow to learn and use social media frequently. A lot of this has to do with limitations and labels of myself I have been carrying around. Hence, topics on identity and shifting my perspective has helped me a lot to move forward with goals that would give me anxiety or would be overwhelming to start.
What makes you beautiful/handsome?
I am beautiful because I am choosing to believe I am. My natural beauty is good enough. I am worth being here. Because God has said I am and loves me. Because I am grounded, laid-back and open. I am seeing myself with eyes of love. I am allowing myself to do this. I am allowing my brain to find the good.
What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?
To the girl who is struggling to find confidence within themselves I want to ask where does that stem from? If you don't know, sit down with yourself and think about what views of yourself you have and experiences you have had that may have led you to believe those thoughts about yourself.. For me, part of my lack of confidence comes from not finishing projects. I felt I could achieve anything because I wouldn't finish small projects or tasks I had. So I thought back on those projects and made it a priority to finish them. Prove myself I can accomplish things. I think experiences play into one's confidence and I think serving yourself the validation you need. In other words, in what ways are you seeking validation? For me it did come from modeling, but I dug deep inside and realized some of my insecurities and have been working on taking accountability and accepting myself for who I am and working on what I can. I have shifted my mind to do this for myself; to show myself the love I deserve and not for the recognition from others. Hence, I think confidence comes from loving yourself, creating positive experiences, and constantly reframing your mind to thinking positively about yourself and your circumstances. I am still working on this. It's a journey. That's important to remember as well.