Cinderella A.
Cinderella A.
California, USA.
Age: 25
Waist: 25
Hips: 38
Bust: 32
Height: 5’10.5
Weight: 138 lbs
Hair/ Eye Color: Brown/ Black
Tell us about yourself (where are you from, age, whatever you want to add)
I am a first generation Egyptian. I am 25 years old & was born & raised in San Francisco, California but currently live in Oakland, California.
Tell us about your modeling experience.
I have been experimenting with modeling for a little more than 3 years now. Recently, in September of 2021, I attended Coco Rocha’s modeling camp in New York. I attended because if there was any hope for me in modeling, I wanted to give it a real try. It gave me a new perspective & taught me a lot. Hopefully I can use what Coco & her team taught me & make her proud.
What is your biggest dream?
Having the ability to pursue all of my dreams. Some of those are becoming a model, voice actress/actress & artist. I want to also make my own community for people who come from the same background as me & hopefully change some things so that people could start to see more people who look like me.
What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?
I think everyone has their own idea of beauty. Some think it’s physical, some internal. I believe it’s when your able to take both physical & internal beauties & match both energies to radiate who you want to be. Nothing in particular; just the ability to accept/be who you are & thrive in it. Own it!
How would you describe your fashion style?
I grew up being ashamed of my, what I call “bony-curviness” so I’ve tried to style myself in a way where I can embrace it instead. If there was a way to describe my style I would say shape-flattering street fashion. I also enjoy wearing anything over the top; high-fashion, colorful (but tasteful) also shape-flattering of course.
Who or what inspires you?
I am inspired by culture & music mainly. Good music can get me to do anything I don’t normally feel like doing. Culture teaches me who & what is out there. When I’m bored or depressed, studying other cultures always helps me realize what amazing things & people are out there. Some people who inspire me are Justin Bieber, Bretman Rock & Coco Rocha.
What is your advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling?
Follow your own path & be willing to put in the work. Most people are attracted to the title & can’t get past a certain point because they’re paralyzed by the idea & the dream. There’s nothing that’ll get you farther in this industry than knowing what you want & working hard to get it.
Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you.
When I was younger, I went to schools where I was the only one who looked like me. So I was made fun of a lot. I wasn’t considered “model material.” I would be turned away before even being given a chance. I thought people had to approve of me & that’s what would get me where I am today. I was very wrong. I was critical of myself the way people were of me & I let it take me very low. I can only say it like this, if a model told a singer they can’t sing, would it make sense if the singer stopped singing? There’s nothing wrong with constructive criticism as long as you listen to the right people.
What makes you beautiful?
I know myself & what I have to offer. No one will get the short or bad version of me. When things get tough, I push through being me till the very end. I want everyone to accept & appreciate me for who I am so I do the same. That’s what makes me beautiful.
What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?
Everybody has the ability to be confident. No one is just born with it. You have to build on it like you would a house or any structure. At first, it won’t be sturdy or look great even. But as you build on it, it’ll become solid. As long as you’re happy with the outcome & it feels like home, you have confidence that no one can take from you! Because you know what you have & what you’re capable of. Don’t let someone break what you built!