Posts in Northeast
Camryn P.

I believe that confidence and self-awareness are very important in life. You need to know the good and bad things about yourself in order to become stronger in life. I struggle with a severe anxiety disorder and it makes every day hard but I know that i’m strong and that it doesn’t control me and that I need to be confident in myself and who I am as a person.

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NortheastKristi JVirginia
Megan L.

Self-awareness and confidence is extremely important in my everyday life. I personally believe that confidence is key in everything you do in life. You have to have to have a confidence mindset in life or you won’t be able to complete anything to the best of your ability.

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Amaya G.

You have to talk to yourself like you’re your OWN best friend. Be your own hype-woman! Imagine the woman or man you WANT to be and just start acting like’s cheesy but it works before you know it, you ARE that amazing person

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NortheastKristi JNew Jersey
Megan J.

Self-Awareness and confidence are pretty important to me in my everyday life. It takes a lot of time to become self aware of what you want out of life and I think I’ve figured out a lot of it but I definitely need to figure more things out. Over the years I have become more confident with myself but I always make sure I don’t cross over a line and become cocky.

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NortheastKristi JNew York
Isabella M.

To ignore those silly societal standards that are set in place for what "beauty" looks like, and choosing instead to embrace what you see in the mirror! Our world is hard enough, and being overly critical of ourself helps nobody.

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Jackie E.

Why make changes to who you are to appease someone, when the opinions of others will always only be that… opinions.  You know your beauty, your worth. Those true to you know it too. The rest of it is just noise that fades away.

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NortheastKristi JNew York
Willow O.

Being your own kind of beautiful to me means being unique and proud of it. To show understanding that any interest is valid to posses, both on its own or paired with another. Expressing every area of your personality with an open mind and being able to accept change in your interests as you grow.

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NortheastKristi JNew York
Anastasia Q.

one struggling with confidence, just know you’re not the only one. The world we live in today tends to take the focus off what it truly means to be yourself. You are amazing, beautiful, and one of a kind. Stop focusing on other people, stop comparing yourself to others. Because you’re friggin awesome

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NortheastKristi JNew York
Sophear L.

My advice for other girls or guys who is struggling with their confident is to have that one person they are very close to and talk everything out with that person and with their support and push you will start to become comfortable and confident!

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Hallaura M.

These two things are my moto, my go-to everyday words. My opinion is that if you want to achieve something in life, you need to achieve something with yourself. If you want people to see you, to appreciate you and to trust you, you need to see yourself as the best version of you, you need to appreciate everything about yourself or work hard to be able to do it and you need to trust yourself as hard as you can. While doing this some people with try to break you or call you snob, but I think that everything start with confidence and self-awareness.

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Victoria K.

The truth is, the one who defines your confidence is you. Don’t beat yourself up. Find the illogicality in every insult that has ever been thrown at you. Surround yourself with people who raise you up. And do what makes you feel confident and proud. 

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NortheastKristi JNew Jersey
Holly C.

To be your own kind of beautiful means to see the beauty in every aspect of yourself regardless of wether or not society says it fits their standards. If you are a good person then you are beautiful to me.

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Cindy R.

Self awareness and confidence takes part in my every day life from the minute I get up in the morning. My confidence helps me feel my best and helps my self-esteem. Self awareness has helped me feel more confident and empowered in myself. Both have helped me to improve as a person.

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NortheastKristi JMaryland
Bella N.

I feel it is very important to be self aware and confident in yourself. You have to believe in yourself and know that you can achieve whatever you want to as long as you believe you can overcome any obstacles if you are willing to try. You need to be able to self-assess how you can make changes in order to achieve your goals as well.

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Makena K.

Confidence is so important so I am always trying to make sure I stay positive and not get too hard on myself. That's one big lesson I learn in cheerleading because we fail (and fall) a lot and there's no time to dwell on the situation. No matter what happens, you have to have the confidence to pick yourself right up and move on.

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Elena S.

For me, be your own kind of beautiful simply means just to be “Yourself Daily.” You must appreciate

how unique you are and not to imitate others. To understand yourself and find the inner beauty in

you. To be humble enough to know that you are not better than anybody and wise enough to know

that you are different from the rest.

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NortheastKristi JNew York