Jackie E.

Jackie E.

New York, USA

Tell us about yourself

I am from a small town in Buffalo, New York. A twenty one year old model, writer, dancer and actress. Just trying to create beauty and inspiration in the world day to day. 

What is your biggest dream?

My biggest dream is to inspire people in whatever it is that I do. I believe that we are all ordinary people, but even an ordinary person like you or me, have the power to ignite a fire within others. To bring about change, and inspiration. Even if just as small as a single life, we all have the power to be someone’s hero. 

What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?

To me, being your own kind of beautiful means being self aware of your strengths and weaknesses, but loving both of the contrats equally. Life is full of beautiful moments, but it's also full of challenges. The key is realizing that through your challenges, it's often times not about what it is at the time that matters, it’s about what you can take from the situation and create it to become. And because the loudest voice to determine who you are and what you’re worth,  is you. 

Tell us about your modeling experience.

I don’t have a ton of modeling experience. I have done small photoshoots here and there, but nothing crazy. 

What is your dream brand to model for?

I don’t have a dream brand I would love to model for. I love new experiences and challenges that strengthen my skills. It would be a dream come true to model for any brand willing to see the potential in me.  

How would you describe your fashion style?

My fashion style changes every day. I love comfort, but I also love dressing up. You have a chance to be someone new each day by expressing it through what you wear. I love to have fun with it! Some days I’m the preppy girl, other days I’m the bad girl in leather. 

How important is self-awareness and confidence to you in your everyday life?

Self - awareness and confidence in my everyday life is key. There are days I don’t feel as confident as I normally would, but what’s important to remember is that no one else will ever be you, and you will never be anyone else. Simply because you’re not meant to be. You’re here for a reason, a purpose. There is something in you that the world is meant to see. Lastly, never compare yourself to others, or feel the need to change because others think you should, because those that want to define you, are often the ones having trouble defining themselves. 

What makes you beautiful/handsome?

What makes me beautiful is my uniqueness. No one else in this entire world is exactly like me… That’s something incredible! I have the power to create so many things and inspire so many people in this world, just because of that. I see the beauty in everything and everyone else, and that’s something you can’t physically embody

What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?

There are so many of us absorbed in the idea of self image that we neglect to realize that those who truly love us, love us for who we are on the inside… not who we are on the outside.  People are going to see you whichever way they choose to. No matter your persona, no matter what it is that you do or say to change or persuade others ideas of you. Why make changes to who you are to appease someone, when the opinions of others will always only be that… opinions.  You know your beauty, your worth. Those true to you know it too. The rest of it is just noise that fades away.

NortheastKristi JNew York