Aislynn J.
Aislynn J.
New York, USA
Tell us about yourself-
My name is Aislynn and i’m from , NY. I struggle with anxiety and modeling has helped me step out of my comfort zone!
What is your biggest dream?-
My biggest dream is to have a bright future with health and happiness and a lot of opportunities!
What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful? -
To be your own kind of beautiful means to believe in yourself, to be confident in yourself, to love yourself and love everyone else around you.
Tell us about your modeling experience-
I started modeling in my 11th grade year of high school, i was on the senior model team in 12th grade, I’ve been to many model manias, and i was also in a magazine competition last year! Modeling has become a huge part of my life, it has helped me find confidence in myself!
What is your dream brand to model for?-
Nike, Adidas or PINK!
How would you describe your fashion style?-
I don’t really have a certain style! But if i had to say it would be mostly casual.
How important is self-awareness and confidence to you in your everyday life? -
You would think it would be easy, but with my anxiety it’s difficult to have confidence and self-awareness sometimes however, stepping in-front of a camera and modeling, helps to boost my confidence.
What makes you beautiful?-
I would say my heart most of all.
What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?-
I would tell them its okay to be yourself, don't worry about what the world thinks of you just figure out what makes you happy!