Mackenzie H.

I think diversity is beauty. I think being your own kind of beautiful is about being unapologetically yourself, being mentally healthy, spreading love everywhere you go and to everyone you encounter. Beauty has very little to do with what you look like on the outside and is almost completely made up of your character.

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Alisandra T.

To me, what it means to be your own kind of beautiful is to be comfortable and genuinely happy in your own skin. Confidence is key, and what you give to the outside world is what you will receive back. Everyone is different, and our imperfections and unique attributes are what makes each and everyone of us beautiful.

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Hannah Noelle
Alexis W.

I would say to another guy or girl my age who is struggling with their confidence- Don’t compare yourself to other people. Everyone is beautiful and unique in their own way. Just because you don’t fit into society’s ridiculous beauty standards doesn’t mean you aren’t beautiful. If you don’t look like everyone else that’s okay your beautiful in your own way. You don’t have to be skinny or have blond hair to be beautiful, you should have confidence and love yourself because you are you.

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Allicen W.

To be your own kind of beautiful means to love and cherish your own beauty. With today’s beauty standards and overwhelming social media presence affecting the way young girls and boys love themselves is upsetting. You have to love your beauty and not compare yourself to other because they aren’t you and you aren’t them. You are beautiful.

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Yelipza G.

My empathy, my compassion, my generosity, and my boldness. But one of the qualities that I really love about myself is my ability to be open to new ideas and perspectives, and to be kind and open minded to people that are different from me. Working for the State Department prepared me to interact with people from different backgrounds and walks of life, and I think that is a beautiful quality to have!

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Maggie J.

What makes me beautiful is my commitment to making the world a better place. Every day I do my best to make at least one person smile, be it through a small action like holding the door for them or a larger action like editing an application essay to help them get into their dream university.

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Amirah D.

Don’t compare yourself to others. Don’t allow society to tell you what beauty is. Learning to love yourself can be hard but once you do no one else’s opinion of you will matter and you will begin to live life for yourself and not others.

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Diana R.

Break the stereotypes!! Don’t let anyone tell you what you can and can’t do it! Never give up. Life is full of surprises. Follow your dreams.

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Sarena B.

If you are struggling with confidence, the key is to not care what others think. Once you learn to love yourself and love what you bring to the table it will help you gain more confidence in yourself. Having confidence in yourself is a beautiful thing. Love yourself and be confident in everything you do. Also be confident in how you feel about yourself no matter what. Confidence is key in life.

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Shauna C.

To anyone who is struggling with their confidence, life is way to short to live everyday being hard on ourselves. It isn’t fair to spend your years pointing out the negative things you think about yourself. Own every part of yourself because that’s what makes you unique and beautiful as an individual.

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Madi W.

I know how hard it is to struggle with self confidence. To those who also struggle with it, look in the mirror every single day and tell yourself how beautiful you are. I promise in the end you will believe yourself and become more positive.

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Hannah Noelle
Sasha S.

My favorite part of the Bible is Corinthians and its because that covers unconditional love for others and yourself. This is a great resource in terms of learning to love yourself for who you are.

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Antyreckaa B.

I would advise that they be careful of the people they work with and look for quality when starting their portfolio. Also don’t be afraid of rejection because a few nos can lead to a huge yes one day. Don’t forget to be your self because everyone else is already copying the people before them.

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Hannah Noelle
Paloma G.

Beauty to me is someone who works hard and puts in the effort to be a better person than they were yesterday. A person who is willing to go through the obstacles and endure to achieve their goals and dreams. I’ve done that and I believe that makes me beautiful.

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Hannah Noelle
Gabrielle T.

Knowing that it is ok if there are always people who are more popular, thinner, taller, prettier but when you begin to embrace your unique beauty you will have a glow about you and will attract the success and people meant for you.

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Hannah Noelle
Marissa C.

My biggest dream is to become a great model and actress! I love furthering my education and learning new things everyday on this journey to get where I want to be in the modeling/acting agency! I’m extremely excited to see what the future holds for me.

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Hannah Noelle
Bailey H.

Modeling is more than just having a pretty face, it takes a lot of work. It's an art. And you have to put in the effort to learn about it and succeed.

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Hannah Noelle