In my opinion, being your own kind of beautiful means doing what makes you happy. Wear the funky clothes, do the bold makeup. make a statement.
Read MorePut yourself out there and you might be surprised at the results. We are often too hard on ourselves. Going out into the world and exploring opportunities is a great start.
Read MoreOne thing that I tell my friends who are struggling with confidence is that you can never alter the past what you can do is change who you are right now and going forward. You can’t show me or touch the past so why reminiscence on that. Be a better version of yourself than you we’re the day prior.
Read MoreAs a petite model, I believe that no matter how tall you are or what you look like you are your kind of beautiful. I also believe that beauty doesn't only pertain to physical looks but also personality. The most beautiful people I know have the most kind and warm personalities. Sav
Read MoreMy greatest aspiration is to inspire women to pursue their dreams, showing them that anything is possible with determination and belief. I strive to be a beacon of motivation, encouraging others to reach for the stars and embrace the endless possibilities that life has to offer.
Read MoreIf anyone is struggling with their confidence, my advice to you would be to allow yourself to feel your feelings and know that feelings aren’t always facts. Go to the gym, eat healthy and nutritious foods, give back, get in touch with your faith, and surround yourself with people who are responsible and enjoy you for exactly who you are. When you find confidence within yourself, you will never search elsewhere to fulfill that need or feeling inside.
Read MoreIf you have the will, the dream, and the desire to do something or be someone, envision that person everyday and have love for the person you are now. Love yourself so much that it causes you to grow into the person you’ve always wanted.
Read MoreIf someone was struggling with their confidence, I would tell them to look in the mirror and tell yourself your amazing, strong, confident, beautiful/handsome and to never let someone tell them different. The only opinion that matters is your own
Read MoreI started modeling about two years ago and it has turned into so much more than I could’ve imagined. It has brought me to the most incredible cities for Fashion Weeks and it is so rewarding to get to do what I love around the world. This last year I was featured in Vogue and ELLE magazine and it is so surreal to see yourself in magazines you have been reading your whole life. I typically book runway jobs but I love doing commercial work too! I can’t wait to keep growing these next few years.
Read MoreThe old money style really inspires me. Makes me feel like a boss lady. When I look at outfit ideas I look at that because in my opinion, that style makes you so super feminine yet conservative. And I like that. But in modern times I really like Bella Hadid style. It also really depends what my mood is. I quite enjoy all types of styles. If you look go you feel good.
Read MoreDo things that fill your heart and soul with joy and a sense of purpose. Believe in yourself and what makes you unique.
Read MoreI would say that we are our worst critics and that self-love is so important. There are many things that we beat ourselves up over because we can see every flaw in ourselves, but once we embrace those flaws and love ourselves for who we truly are, no one can tell you about ourselves! Mindset is everything because our inner thoughts are sometimes the most destructive and demeaning. True confidence shines through once we are fully in love with everything that makes you, you!
Read MoreDon’t define yourself by what the world says you should be. Be comfortable with who you are and don’t compare yourself to others. We are all made unique by God and we need to embrace our unique qualities rather than trying to blend in with everyone else.
Read MoreI love how selfless God made me and I love that I have a desire to help and love others. I love
my smile and my hair. I love that I am goofy and can enjoy the simple things. I know I’m not
perfect, but I strive to be my best for God, myself, and others every day.
Read MoreI personally think that every woman no matter color, weight or age is beautiful. To be my own kind of beautiful to me means to feel the beauty inside, try to stay happy, have your own style and sense of taste, be in harmony with yourself.
Read MoreTo someone struggling with their confidence I would say that accepting and loving yourself for who you are is not an over night process and it takes a combination of practicing self-love and surrounding yourself with people who will build you up.
Read MoreMy biggest dream is to make my inner child proud. I want to explore the world and venture to places I’ve never been before. I would love to be able to become a full-time influencer on social media and move to Italy.
Read MoreThe three pieces of advice I would give to someone who is just getting into modeling would be to get comfortable in front of the camera, learn how to take constructive criticism, and to practice. Learning to take feedback, knowing your angles & mastering your technique, and being able to jump right into a shoot, make everything more fun and productive!
Read MoreAcknowledging others beauty does not mean you have an absence of it, recognizing and appreciating individuality
Read MoreWith the rise of social media, filters and all the works, it gets really easy to compare yourself
to others while feeling small and uncomfortable in your skin. One thing you have to remember
is that not everything you see on social media is real. A lot of it is curated to appeal to certain
viewers and does not look that way in real life. Your body is doing its best to keep you moving
everyday so remember to be proud of it. You are beautiful and unique just by being yourself!
Remember, no two people on this planet are the same! :)
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