My advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling is keeping options open to work with a variety of different photographers that can help you build your confidence and discover which styles of poses you like best. Don't let people stop you from pursuing what you love.
Read MoreBE CONFIDENT and CONSISTENT !! Always have in mind that it’s okay to be reject just don’t ever give up and keep trying until you get there ! That’s the advice I would give to every person I can say it to , not only for models but to everyone ! Don’t be shy to ask models who have more experience, photographers, or any person who knows about this industry for tips and advices.
Read MoreWhat inspires me the most is the desire to see just how far I can go. In everything that I do, my desire to see how much I can improve inspires me to keep learning and bettering myself to be the absolute best version of me.
Read MoreTo someone who is just getting started with modeling:
Make sure you’re happy, and just have fun and enjoy. "I think happiness is what makes you pretty. Period. Happy people are beautiful. They become like a mirror and they reflect that happiness" - Drew Barrymore, actress.
Read MoreI would say that confidence comes with time. Don’t force it, and don’t necessarily fake it. I'm not the most confident person myself. It comes from within and learning to love yourself. I would recommend reading self-help books or listening to podcasts. I know these techniques have helped me with this in the past. Just know you’re not alone!
Read MoreOwn who you are, and carry yourself with confidence. Most people are so concerned with themselves they don’t think twice about how you look! Confidence is everything, if you believe you’re beautiful, they are gonna believe it too, you have to set the tone.
Read MoreTo be your own kind of beautiful, you must have patience and grace towards yourself. Being your own kind of beautiful is knowing deep down that simply because you’re alive, the world is better because of it. Beauty comes in many ways, yes through physical art, but also in the way we treat ourselves, and the way that we treat the people around us. Being your own kind of beautiful is seeing and appreciating all of the beauty that surrounds you, and knowing that you are an equal part of that as well.
Read MoreWhat makes me beautiful is having confidence and not listening to others negative opinions.
Read MoreSurround yourself with people that make you forget your struggles. You’re only a teen once so don’t stress and enjoy the ride
Read MoreOnly accepting and comparing yourself with no one but only yourself a day before. Be the best version of you each new day. Every day do one step forward and appreciate yourself for each little goal. Step by step, day by day you can achieve your biggest dream. Be determined and never give up.
Read MoreTo me, being your own kind of beautiful means to take the things you hide from the world and turn them into your new normal. Lead by example and with confidence and always remember that if you’re happy, that’s all that matters. You could be the prettiest apple on the tree and there’s still ALWAYS gonna be someone who prefers oranges. JUST BE YOU!!
Read MoreMy advice to someone getting started in the modeling industry is to just keep fighting. Always do your best even when no one is around. Practice as much as you can and do not stop until you get to where you wanna be. There will always be tough moments but you have to imagine yourself in the future doing what you love and being successful. The longer you fight the further you get.
Read MoreSelf praise is important and the only way of fixing your self confidence is by accepting yourself for the way you are. I would ask them about what their passionate about and tell them to use their passion for the greater good and search into the difference they can make.
Read MoreWould you talk to your best friend or younger self the way you talk to yourself now? The answer is probably no. You’re most likely not going to talk down to someone you love, so why would you talk down to yourself? Confidence is a mindset, and once you flip the switch you’ll really see how everything around you changes in a positive way. One thing that really helps me is repeating positive affirmations daily.
Read More--Look back at an old picture of yourself, one where you looked happiest. What were you thinking at that moment? was it: "man, I will never be as cool as the popular kids" or "wow, I really should not have eaten that bowl of cereal this morning". No. You were happy because you were doing something fun, something that you enjoyed and at that moment, nothing else mattered, not the self-confidence, not the "I'm laughing too loud and someone will find it obnoxious", it was the fact that you were genuinely being yourself and that is the most important thing you can do. If you are struggling with self-confidence, open your eyes. Everyone is, but that does not mean that you should cower away and hide, it means that you should give yourself the opportunity to have that childlike wonder that you once had, just find it, smile, and stop apologizing for being the most beautiful, unique version of yourself.
Read MoreYou are beautiful. You may not be them but you don't have to be. Embrace yourself for who you are and the world will follow.
Read MoreTo be your own kind of beautiful is to be undeniably true to yourself. As cliché as it sounds, it’s very true. Growing up as an Asian American that was surrounded by Eurocentric beauty standards, it was very hard to accept myself. Along with the racist remarks I’d deal with on a daily basis and the assumptions of what an “Asian” should look like. But recognizing what makes you unique from all the others & owning it is already beautiful in itself.
Read MoreMy advice to someone who is starting to get into modeling is to not think you don’t have a chance because beauty has all types of standards and not everyone likes the same looks so you do have the opportunity.
Read MoreI believe the way I carry myself makes me beautiful. I am not ashamed of any part of myself. I take pride in being who I am (inside and out). My resilience, empathy, friendliness, and imperfections make me beautiful as well. My imperfections only make me more human, which makes me more beautiful. I bounce back from any and everything and I feel feelings on this deep, deep level. My social skills as well as my empath skills make me approachable, and reliable which I find to be beautiful traits alongside my confidence that radiates.
Read MoreMy advice for someone who just started in the model industry would be. Don’t be afraid to be yourself and show them you. If you have a bad gut, feeling, trust your instincts and also have fun, and don’t be too harsh on yourself if you did something wrong.
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