Lauryn L.
Waist: 29
Hips: 36
Bust: 34
Height: 5’7 1/2
Weight: 144
Hair color: dark dirty blonde
Eye color: hazel
Tell us about yourself
Hi! My name is Lauryn Lee I’m 20 years old and I’m from Boston Massachusetts. I am currently a sophomore at the University of Tampa with a major in advertising and public relations. Growing up I was a competitive dancer for 15 years. Ever since I stopped, I wanted to find another new passion of mine. I looked into modeling and really wanted to give it a shot. I signed with an agency in Boston right before Covid-19 hit. As a result of that unfortunately I never really got any work. Ever since going to college and moving to Tampa I wanted to find a new agency and give it another shot.
About my modeling experience:
In 2019 I signed with an agency in Boston. I was so excited. I got a few photos shoots done and felt really confident in this journey I had started. I got to go to a puma open call. I was nervous and excited. I met a few really great people. After that covid 19 hit and I never got any work or other experience. Once my contract was up, I decided to continue updating my photos and see if, for the time being, I could find work on my own. Once I moved down to Florida for college, I drove to a few open castings for modeling agencies near me. Those didn’t work out and ever since then I just continued applying to agencies and now, I am so excited to be able to say I’m a part of Hannahnoellemodels.
What is your biggest dream?
I honestly would have to say my biggest dream is to be successful in doing something I love. Ever since I got out of high school and coming close to graduating college yet not knowing what I want to do still, I have realized I really want to find something I love doing and be able to do that and be as successful as possible. I want to be able the life my parents gave me and even more than that. If I ever have kids of my own, I would love to be able to give them more than the life I was given.
What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?
To be your own kind of beautiful means so many things. It means to be yourself! It means to feel good about who you are. To be your own kind of beautiful means you accept yourself for yourself and love yourself. And to not care what anyone thinks about you
How would you describe your fashion style?
I would describe my fashion style as fun and bright as well as simple and clean, I would also describe my style as a bit trendy.
Who or what inspires you?
Growing up as a teen with social media, and wanting to explore modeling I always looked up to people that had a similar fashion style as me. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve been inspired by influencers as well, especially two girls from my hometown that have become very successful. Ever since I was little, I also looked up to my father. He always knows what is best for me and he’s pretty much always right. He was someone I knew I wanted to be like when I grew up because of the way he raised me.
My advice for someone new to modeling:
My advice to someone new starting modeling would be, be yourself and don’t give up
Obstacles in my life:
The first obstacle I overcame in my life was my parents getting divorced when I was six years old. I was so young I don’t remember much of it but as I got older and was able to understand that my dad had met someone new it was really hard for me to adjust to that. I was an only child and was very young and didn’t like talking to my parents about feelings at all so it was hard at times. I would cry myself to sleep some nights. Eventually, I started going to therapy and that helped me get my feelings out while being comfortable. Of course, as I grew older, I adjusted to my lifestyle and was able to accept what happened. Another obstacle I overcame was the few times I was bullied throughout high school. In high school, I got cyberbullied three times which luckily isn’t a lot. I had my two best friends and just kept to myself in school. So many people looked at me as a bitch or intimidating and I never understood why. I definitely learned a lot from that time period.
What makes you beautiful?
I’ve never actually answered or thought about a question like this. Personally, I think that what makes me beautiful is my kindness and caring side. I believe my natural beauty makes me beautiful. I would also say my intelligence makes me beautiful.
What would you say to someone struggling with confidence?
I would say that confidence comes with time. Don’t force it, and don’t necessarily fake it. I'm not the most confident person myself. It comes from within and learning to love yourself. I would recommend reading self-help books or listening to podcasts. I know these techniques have helped me with this in the past. Just know you’re not alone!