Maral O.
Maral O.
Florida, USA.
Age: 29
Waist: 28
Hips: 35
Bust: 32
Height: 5.7
Weight: 122 lb
Hair/Eye Color: Brown
Tell us about yourself (where are you from, age, whatever you want to add)
I am Maral Ostadi, I’m originally from Iran. I moved to the States two years ago to continue my master degrees in fine arts- acting. I lived in San Francisco and recently moved to Florida. I have had several performances back in my country and San Francisco, and also participated in a few short films. I think modeling plays a dominant role with acting. Learning how to present yourself in front of the camera truthfully and with self-confidence, and being comfortable.
Tell us about your modeling experience.
I start modeling when I was 16. I remember my first photo shoot was for a friend of mine who is a unique photographer and she needed winter photography. After that I start modeling for clothing brands (retail clothing stores) back home. I did a project in San Francisco for a director friend of mine who wanted to tell a beautiful middle eastern story with pictures. Not only I was doing modeling for her photos, but also I was acting in front of her camera and did my best to transfer her story with my poses.
What is your biggest dream?
I think as a 28 year old women, coming from third world country with different experiences, I see myself ready to share my stories with the world to inspire women at my age or girls who are at the first level of their career. My biggest dream is to make a change in a very positive way with my stories.
What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?
To keep your own unique style and be confident with it, because every person is born with their own kind of beauty.
How would you describe your fashion style?
I would describe my fashion style as simple, classy and chic.
Who or what inspires you?
People who struggled in their lives and could finally overcome, and never give up. people who fight for their dreams and let nothing stop them. These people inspires me the most.
What is your advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling?
Make sure you’re happy, and just have fun and enjoy. "I think happiness is what makes you pretty. Period. Happy people are beautiful. They become like a mirror and they reflect that happiness" - Drew Barrymore, actress.
Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you.
Growing up as a girl in my country is not easy. you cannot express yourself fully , and it is hard to be yourself and not be judged. Just like many people coming to America to follow their dream, my story is a little bit different .I had to face many difficulties to get my self here, then tried so hard to at first survive and to cope with the different culture and the language. watched my self growing as an independent women and going through that journey definitely shaped me as who I am today.
What makes you beautiful/handsome?
My boyfriend has a funny nickname for me and he uses a lot, he calls me "Pocahontas". I have been told from photographers and friends that I have a unique and exotic look. I think I am funny, humble and honest person and I find that beautiful.
What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?
Love yourself, your body, your face, and know that what really makes you beautiful is your story that comes from inside and reflects you to the outside. People will fall in love with your unique story.