Aspen D.
Waist: 23"
Hips: 33"
Bust: 30"
Height: 5'6
Weight: 100lbs
Hair/Eye Color: brown
Tell us about yourself
--My name is Aspen D. and I am 23 years old. I was born and raised in Kansas City, Missouri. GO CHIEFS! I enjoy spending time outdoors, reading, or with my family. I have been modeling for a little over 4 years now, but this is the first agency I have signed with. I went to school for fashion at the University of Central Missouri and got my Bachelor of Science with a major in fashion textiles and a double minor in Business Administration and Computer technology.
Tell us about your modeling experience.
--As previously stated, I have modeled for a little over four years. I have done lifestyle shoots, runway shows, and more. I have had the privilege of being published more than four times throughout my journey with modeling and am extremely grateful for every single opportunity I have had because of this. I have walked in Kansas City Fashion Week for 7 consecutive seasons and have had the chance to travel to Kansas, Utah, Florida, and even the Bahamas to model. I have worked with over 10 different designers throughout my career and have met many great people.
What is your biggest dream?
--It has been my dream to open up my own modeling agency for children with special needs and disabilities to showcase that everyone is beautiful, no matter what.
What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?
--To be your own kind of beautiful means to embrace the things that make you uniquely you. This means not letting anything or anyone stop you from feeling the most confident with who you are and what you choose to do. This is very important to me, and something that I am learning to embrace every single day.
How would you describe your fashion style?
--I would say my fashion style is different every single day. I do not have one set style that I embrace daily. It all depends on the weather, mood, and whatever staple I want to include that day. It could range from streetwear to "old money". Just varies.
Who or what inspires you?
--What inspires me is the opportunity to change lives around me. If I had stopped chasing my dreams, or trying to be better after I listened to ONE PERSON tell me "you can't do that", then I would not be where or who I am today. I would say that my inspirations stem from watching the world around me change daily and reminding myself that I need to be the light and positivity that the world may be missing.
What is your advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling?
--DO NOT TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER. This is very important, especially in a world where we, as models, are told that we must maintain certain standards to be considered "beautiful". We are told that we have to maintain a certain weight, look a certain way, act a certain way, eat certain foods, etc, and to me, that is ridiculous. This ties into being "your own kind of beautiful" and just reminding yourself that there is nothing you cannot do. You are your worst critic. If you get told "no" "we are not looking for your type of body" or "maybe if you lost weight", do NOT let that impact the light in yourself. You do not need to change how you look, what you eat, or what you do, you just need to find people to uplift you, and more importantly, you need to learn to uplift yourself. In a world of constant change, you can be yourself, UNAPOLOGETICALLY. Do not quit what you love.
Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you.
--The obstacle that I faced in my life would be myself and my own insecurities. This stems from past traumas and things that happened in my life that shaped me into the person that I am today. I would tell myself I did not look good enough, or I should not wear a certain thing because of how it makes me feel, but in reality, I needed to be loving myself because when I look back and picture the little girl that I used to be, she would NEVER have talked about herself, the way that I did. I overcame it by realizing that there's only one me, and I am special. I need to remember that I am talking about that little girl who used to look up to the woman I am today.
What makes you beautiful/handsome?
--I would love to sit here and say it is a physical feature that I have that makes me beautiful, like my eyes, my nose, or my cheekbones that sit high on my face, but realistically, it's my humor, my personality. I think what makes me beautiful is my perspective on life and the guidance that I will share with those around me.
What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?
--Look back at an old picture of yourself, one where you looked happiest. What were you thinking at that moment? was it: "man, I will never be as cool as the popular kids" or "wow, I really should not have eaten that bowl of cereal this morning". No. You were happy because you were doing something fun, something that you enjoyed and at that moment, nothing else mattered, not the self-confidence, not the "I'm laughing too loud and someone will find it obnoxious", it was the fact that you were genuinely being yourself and that is the most important thing you can do. If you are struggling with self-confidence, open your eyes. Everyone is, but that does not mean that you should cower away and hide, it means that you should give yourself the opportunity to have that childlike wonder that you once had, just find it, smile, and stop apologizing for being the most beautiful, unique version of yourself.