To be your own kind of beautiful to me means feeling absolutely radiant and confident as you are. You don't see beauty in a fixed way and easily find the beauty in others. It is a hard thing to achieve but to love yourself as you are is the realest form of beauty.
Read MoreBe yourself. You’re different so bring something new to the modeling world. Be passionate about what you do and believe there’s no limits to how far you can go.
Read MoreGod is my first inspiration for everything that I do because he continues to provide blessings and learning opportunities in my life. My other inspirations are my family. I want to be able to make them proud and also show them that you can make a career out of doing something that you love!
Read MoreBeing your own kind of beautiful is all about loving yourself. Beauty is about embracing every part of who you are. When you learn to love yourself, you are able to see your true beauty.
Read MoreTo me, being your own kind of beautiful means to be yourself. It’s so important to accept all your flaws and insecurities. You were put into this world for a purpose. Do not feel intimidated by others. Everyone is beautiful in their own way.
Read MoreEveryone is different and that is just beyond amazing, God created us as perfect to his eyes, and even when we think we are in a place we don't belong or we are not able to make it through his trials, he will teach us the way to shine when it is dark
We are loved and enough for someone beyond amazing.
Read MoreMy advice to someone who is just starting modeling is to be yourself and be unique. There is so much beauty in being different.
Read MoreBeautiful for me means your own kind of beauty. Not only how you look outside but what you look like on the inside also. It’s being your best version of yourself and just being who you are.
Read MorePeople who are kind and make a difference within their community inspire me. Those who step out of their comfort zone and use their voice in order for others to be heard. Also people who don’t give up on their dreams, who keep going despite the obstacles they face.
Read MoreI am inspired by the future me. What I do now and the choices I make for myself will be my future and I want to look back and say “you did it”.
Read MoreKeep going. There is always going to be something about you that someone wants to change. But that exact thing will be something another person loves. It’s all about your mentality. If this is what you want to do, get out there and don’t let the “No’s” stop you or convince you to quit.
Read MoreWe are beautiful in our own ways and it is up to you to define your own beauty. Also, don’t worry about what others think about you. The people who make fun of you the most are the ones who wish they had your level of confidence. Be proud of how you look and where you come from!
Read MoreMy advice to someone who is barely starting in modeling would be, never compare yourself to others. Don't think about it too much. You're beautiful no matter what ANYONE thinks. And just trust that you're capable of doing such amazing things just like that one person you look at as being unreachable. It's just a matter of confidence and determination.
Read MoreYou are your biggest critic! People do not care as much as you think they do, stay true to the REAL you because the world needs it!
Read MoreMy advice is to be loyal to yourself, no matter what you do in life you will only be successful by being your true self.
Read MoreTo be your own kind of beautiful is to be authentic to yourself. Don't chase after what other people think is beautiful, know your definition of beauty and stay true to it. Let it inspire you!
Read MoreTo be your own kind of beautiful means to embrace the skin you’re in and love your body without comparison to others.
Read MoreHonestly, being your own kind of beautiful is just being yourself! It sounds cheesy, but it’s true. Do what makes you happy and what makes you feel right.
Read MoreThe woman I needed in my teenage years inspires me. I inspire to be who I needed in the hardest time of my life. Women who are making an impact while being themselves and reaching back to help others is who motivates me.
Read MoreMy biggest dream is to become successful in the modeling industry and break barriers as a petite and tattooed model.
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