Taylor W.
Taylor W.
Georgia, USA.
Age: 17
Waist: 25
Hips: 35
Bust: 32
Height: 5’8
Weight: 117
Hair/eye color: Brown/ Green
Tell us about yourself (where are you from, age, whatever you want to add)
My name is Taylor, I am from southeast Georgia. I’m a graduate from Brantley County high school at the age of 17. I currently own my own business and I am CEO of the Taylor’s Modeling program that promotes self-confidence, inspiring others through Christ and community service.
Tell us about your modeling experience.
I graduated Barbizon modeling and acting in 2020. I’ve walked in Coastal fashion week in Jacksonville, FL and for a charity fashion show for a formal wear shop. I’ve helped multiple photographers build their portfolio with different shoots through the last few years. I actively participate in all photoshoots at my shop.
What is your biggest dream?
My biggest dream is to expand my business. I plan to attend community college with a certification in hair design. I want to earn my certification in makeup. I plan to have an all-things salon that still promotes and helps my current business. I plan to build my modeling program into something that makes a difference worldwide and not just locally.
What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?
To be you. You can’t be anyone else. God made everyone uniquely different that promotes their own beauty. That’s what makes us all different, we all bring something unique and different to the world.
How would you describe your fashion style?
Different, Fun, and Bold.I wear things that represent the difference I make in our world. I am not afraid to wear something different that makes me stand out I would rather be an odd ball than to look exactly like what everyone else is wearing. It takes confidence to be able to be yourself and represent your own self.
Who or what inspires you?
God and My parents. God opens all doors and opportunities. He provides everything you need to be successful when you are truly guided by his word. He wants you to be successful and find your purpose. We all have a purpose and it’s our job to represent it through him. My parents have pushed me to be the best version of myself and have taught me there’s no limits to what I can do. They believe I can accomplish anything I set my mind to.
What is your advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling?
Be yourself. You’re different so bring something new to the modeling world. Be passionate about what you do and believe there’s no limits to how far you can go.
Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you.
I struggled with self confidence when I was younger. Bullying played a huge role in how bad that affected me. I realized you could turn that negative energy into something positive and it could help others. I was able to find confidence within myself. i also found God. He guided me and helped me understand we are all unique and we have a role in life. I was able to find self love I was able to begin my modeling program to help girls just like me that needed that extra push. People follow positive and uplifting energy so it made it easier for them to really start to love themselves.
What makes you beautiful/handsome?
You can be very pretty on the outside but what’s on the inside matter the most. I think it truly matters the most on how someone is on the inside. What makes you beautiful is how you treat others and how you promote yourself.
What would you say to another guy/girl your age who is struggling with their self confidence?
I would tell them to start looking to God and asking him for guidance. I would tell them to surround themselves with positivity. I would also tell them that they are beautiful in their own way and god made you unique. There’s no set standard on what should make you beautiful or up to standard.