To be my own kind of beautiful to me means loving everything about yourself. Being balanced with my energy and manifesting my dreams. No one is the world is like me. I was created in Gods image- we are were! And that means we are perfect each in our own unique way.
Read MoreEveryone in this world is different and everyone has their own unique qualities. To be your own kind of beautiful means to shine bright in your own skin! It means being confident and loving your self for who you are. No one can be you better than you.
Read MoreI believe being your own kind of beautiful comes from within. It doesn't matter much about what's on the outside, but what's on the inside. I believe someone who has a good heart with good intentions makes someone beautiful.
Read MoreTo be your own kind of beautiful is to embrace your flaws and recognize that they are what sets you apart from others and what makes you unique. Our differences are what make this world so diverse and beautiful!
Read MoreWe are all different and unique and that beauty becomes conspicuous when your soul shines and your heart opens...not on others perception or media influence of beauty canons.
Read MoreBeing your own kind of beautiful means really embracing who you are on the outside and inside and having confidence in your looks.
Read MoreWhat makes me beautiful is the fact that my goal is to make someone else smile. I love seeing people happy. It is amazing how just smiling at someone can make their whole day. It is important that we try this each day instead of causing the opposite.
Read MoreMy advice to you, if you are just starting your modeling career, is to keep going. You’ve already started and if you give up now, then you’ll never truly know if you could have made it.
Read MoreBeauty on the outside fades, but to be beautiful inside is definitely one’s own kind of beauty!!
Read MoreDon’t give up on your dream. We always hear that, I know it’s hard to keep going but on the end of the day you are your top priority.
Read MoreTo be your own kind of beautiful means feeling happy and content with how you look.
Read MoreTo be your own kind of beautiful means living proudly in your own skin and not what social media or society has made up as beautiful. Looks mean nothing when you don’t have the heart or personality to back it up.
Being my own kind of beauty means loving myself inside and out.
Read MoreThere is only one of you, you’re so unique to this Earth and I hope one day you realize how special and beautiful you are.
Read MoreMy best advice to someone who is getting started is to be patient and continue to work hard and follow your dreams.
Read MoreBeing beautiful to me is being confident. If you believe in yourself everyone else will! I try to live by this everyday.
Read MoreTo be your own kind of beautiful is to be myself and know that I’m still beautiful.
Read MoreAll our uniqueness brought together can create something that is magical and all individuals are beautiful in their own way from the physique to the inner soul.
Read MoreWhat makes me beautiful is that there’s only one me. There isn’t one person on this planet that can be replicated. That’s what makes us all unique.
Read MoreI believe the way I take care of myself makes me beautiful. I am sure to listen to my body and flood it with positivity daily no matter what. If you do not love yourself then nobody else can and if someone else sees the way you treat yourself then they will follow. Being a leader and staying humble are two things that I believe makes me a beautiful person inside and outside.
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