Fiorela S.
Fiorela S.
California, USA.
Age: 37
Height: 5’1”
Waist: 26
Hips: 33
Bust: 34
Weight: 100 lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Tell us about yourself (where are you from, age, whatever you want to add)
I am Peruvian, I was born and raised in Lima, Peru till I was 23 when decided to get my master's degree abroad and travel the world. My MBA program ended in California and stayed here since then. I worked for different companies but the last 8 years I have dedicated full time to my two daughters. That definitely have been the most demanding but most rewarding jobs at the same time. I am 37 years old , I always have passion for modeling but never really tried, now I am pursuing new endeavors in the model industry, I think it's never too late to do what you like!
Tell us about your modeling experience.
None at all.
What's your biggest dream?
My biggest dream is to find happiness in the things that I like to do the most and get to inspire people to do the same. I'm passionate about modeling and fitness so this is where I would like to work. I would also like to see my kids succeed in life doing the same thing, just following their heart and doing their best.
What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?
It means to open your eyes beyond physical appearances and to be able to see yourself as God sees us...seeing your soul and your heart. That's where real beauty comes from, and it externalizes...We are all different and unique and that beauty becomes conspicuous when your soul shines and your heart opens...not on others perception or media influence of beauty canons.
How would you describe my fashion style?
My fashion style is very casual , I like comfortable clothes for regular days, as well as sportswear cloth. This last one especially because I am ready when I have a chance to get my workout done and it motivates me to just do it and not think twice while changing into my gym clothes if I already have it on. Also for special occasions, like a wedding or a fancy party I like to dress up in elegant dresses.
Who or what inspires you?
My parents inspire me because they gave immeasurable love and made many sacrifices to be where they are at and to be able to give me the education and opportunities in life that they didn't have. Now, I want to do the same for my kids and be that person they feel inspired too.
What is your advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling?
If modeling is really their passion, I would advise them to be persistent. Not to get discouraged with a rejection, or multiple rejections .Don't take no as an answer and give up. There is a place for everyone in this industry as long as you do it with passion and believe in yourself, that would reflect in your pictures, and eventually you would get called in.
What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?
I think that people around their thirties should have less struggles with confidence.By this age with khow much we value, we know our strength and weakness and by acknowledging we work on them or we accept us as who we are. Those insecurities and lack of confidence comes when we are younger, more vulnerable when we try to fit in and be accepted in this society constantly bombarded by social media and how we are supposed to present ourselves. Be you, be authentic, work on yourself, be a better version of yourself every day because you are worth working for.
Describe some obstacles you have overcome is your life and how that have changed or shaped you.
My biggest obstacle was adjusting to the American culture and being away from my homeland, family and friends. After 13 years, still isn’t easy but i embrace this country and the opportunities it have given me and my kids. I have learned to to accept changes, to be open to see things in different ways, to be tolerant to accept different idea or different ways to do things... Be able adapt to constants changes but without forgetting were I come from and my hispanic roots.
What makes you beautiful?
It takes me back to the second question about being my own kind of beautiful. Because of that uniqueness i am beautiful because there isn't nobody else like me or like any of you. I am beautiful , I am beautiful because i lead my life with principles of love, gratitude, generosity and kindness.