Fernanda M.

Stop letting others plant negative ideas in their mind about who or what they need to look like. Confidence is always from within. You have to mentally focus on how good and happy you feel in your own skin. Be appreciative of yourself because you are the ONLY you there is. That’s something to be pretty damn proud of. 

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Kristi Trelegan
Soffia S.

Confidence comes from within, and the key is to embrace your uniqueness and focus on what makes you feel good about yourself. It’s so important to surround yourself with positive influences, and to seek support from friends and family members who uplift you. Always be kind to yourself, try to challenge negative thoughts, and believe in your own worth. 

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Kristi Trelegan
Alysa S.

The modeling industry, to me, is a canvas of boundless creativity and self-expression. It's the amalgamation of diverse styles, cultures, and individual stories that fuel my inspiration. The captivating artistry in fashion, the ability to embody different personas through poses and styles, and the power to convey emotions without words inspire me deeply.

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Kristi Trelegan
Eryn E.

Something I would say to someone who is struggling with their confidence is to understand that everyone has their own insecurities. Think of the most beautiful person you know, chances are they have their own insecurities that you would never even think of! Everyone struggles with their confidence and their appearance, we can control how much value we put on that though by understanding that we aren’t the only ones struggling and that there is so much more to life than the way we look. Something that’s really helped me is turning to my Faith. Understanding that comparison is the thief of joy and that we were all meticulously, beautifully, and uniquely made by the Creator. 

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” 

Psalm 139:14

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Kristi Trelegan
Morgan P.

#1 Stop comparing yourself to everyone else! You’re perfect just the way you are and should take pride in it!       

#2 Look good, feel good.                           

 #3 Self-affirmations work better than you would think! How you talk about yourself and how you think, is what you become. So be positive!! 

Also, the best part about confidence is no one knows if it’s real or not.. fake it until you make it. 

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Kristi Trelegan
Taryn C.

 What i think makes me beautiful is my personality and my demeanor, i like to show people that they are amazing and worth so much so i do everything i can to make everyone feel loved and appreciated. I try to hold myself strong and happy to make sure i can do the most i can to make peoples day better when it’s rough! I’ve been told by people that i am a loving person and i make positive impacts and that has always been a hope of mine :) 

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Kristi Trelegan
Natalie E.

To anyone struggling with confidence I just want you to know you aren’t alone. The girl you compare yourself to, she’s struggling. She has someone she compares herself to just like you. We are all the same in that way. We are all so beautiful, you just have to stay true to yourself and know that there is more to the world. You bring something to the table that No one else can and you just remember that, No one can be you! Own your looks, your style, your personality, stay true to yourself and it will take you so far!

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Kristi Trelegan
Alicia F.

Practicing gratitude every day can help you see the bigger picture in
finding that confidence in yourself. Everyone struggles time to time
with being confident but once you look at all the good things that make
you who you are, you tend to see the real beauty in all things including
yourself. Realize that you’re who you are for a reason and always be
true to yourself.

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Kristi Trelegan
Rihana S.

I take little bits of inspiration from every person I meet. I talk to such a wide variety of people every day at work, and hearing different stories about their life and all they have accomplished is truly beautiful. Also my mom who is my best friend and biggest supporter; her unconditional love never fails to inspire me. 

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Kristi Trelegan
Linsay L.

To be your own kind of beautiful to me, means that you know you're a genuinely good person. You're confident in yourself and your actions. Your intentions are pure.

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Kristi Trelegan
Ian F.

It's all about being kind towards yourself, give yourself grace and leniency you only have one you and that's perfect in itself. Confidence truly is maybe about faking it you cannot get to anywhere in life without having some self-esteem and it's all about continuing to build your esteem and to do things that make you the most confident.

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Kristi Trelegan
Tabitha P.

My love, you’re so gorgeous and you are so worthy. People are cruel and they will find your insecurities and target them because they know it hurts you. Do not let someone’s words impact your feelings of self. Your uniqueness is what makes you beautiful. Embrace that! Shine like the star that you are! Never apologize for being yourself. Always stay true to your beliefs, passions and intentions. If someone doesn’t like that, they aren’t meant to be in your life. Have the nerve to be just who you are and not let other people change you or tear you down. Remember, what you see on social media is not always true. A lot is fabricated, edited so that we feel less confident in our lives. Don’t feed into it! 

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Kristi Trelegan
Ka Jai X.

Being your own kind of beauty, is to set your own standard of individuality. To become your own person. It's all about your fixed mindset, being consistent with loving and caring for yourself, while you stay humble. Your actions, and the attitude you establish should be one that holds true to your character. 

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Kristi Trelegan
TaRae H.

The little girl who was strutting in her mother’s heels, posing in front of the mirror at the age of 5 is who inspires me. She was me.

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Kristi Trelegan
Ozi O. "Pearl"

Consider what others say about you as an opinion rather than a fact. People often form judgments without knowing the full picture. Don't let their perceptions influence how you see yourself; you understand your intentions better than anyone else.

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Kristi Trelegan
Meghan R.

What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?

To embrace who you are, to go after what you love and to not be ashamed to look silly while doing it. Knowing that even if you fall along the way, you are still beautifully and uniquely made and you should embrace that. I think that having confidence in who you are and having a kind heart makes anyone beautiful. 

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Kristi Trelegan
Elizabeth L.

An obstacle that I've overcome in life is my eating disorder. As a model and dancer, it was very hard for me to maintain my size to the "appearance-ideal." I've worked with many nutritionists and psychologists to figure out what works for me, and I think having that professional guidance has really helped me love my body. Now, I advocate for better eating disorder support and volunteer at the National Eating Disorder Association.

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Hannah Noelle
Keyssie R.

What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful? I think it starts with getting to know yourself better every day and living life how you want to live it without looking back at others. Spreading kindness and being genuine with yourself at all times.

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Kristi Trelegan