Kaysha K.

To be your own kind of beautiful means to be happy with who you are in the inside and how you portray yourself in the outside. It is using the features and values that make you unique in a form of art and valuing the person you are while feeling whole and complete.

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Saniya A.

What being your own kind of beautiful means to me is not changing or comparing yourself to other people but embracing who you are and how God made you.

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Twyla H.

Being your own kind of beauty, you become more confident. You become more comfortable and most importantly you become yourself.

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Ashleen A.

Being your own kind of beautiful is fighting against society’s norms of unrealistic beauty standards by being able to accept yourself truly with all the flaws and imperfections of the world.

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Heather C.

Surround yourself with people who make you feel confident and try to believe what others tell you when they compliment you.

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Kelton G.

To me, being beautiful means embracing your most unique qualities and not looking down upon yourself for being different in any way.

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Olivia F.

My mother has always taught me that beauty is not about what’s on the outside, but what is on the inside. I have carried this with me all through my modeling career. Because the industry can make you believe there is a certain standard of beauty you have to be, so many girls forget where their true beauty lies. And to be your own kind of beautiful is so important. We have to remind ourselves that we are made in the image of Christ, made perfect in His eyes, and all our different qualities on the outside are beautiful and distinct.

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Cheyenne W.

To be your own kind of beautiful is to accept yourself. Learn to love your own flaws. You are your biggest critic and if you learn to love everything about you then no one can touch you. You are beautiful in every single way, you just have to be confident.

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Megan J.

To me, to be your own kind of beautiful means you are whole heartedly your authentic self. You have looked from the outside in and are proud of the person that you face in the mirror every day. Beauty is skin deep, it can be perceived far beyond your looks.

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Baylee M.

Always be true to yourself, do what makes you feel beautiful and confident. Everyone is going to have their own opinion about you, but you can choose whether it affects you positively or negatively.

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Charlotte T.

Don't give up. You will hear a million no’s, but use that as an empower move, use that to find your unique self and use to find what makes you different and work that.

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Eunice A.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so nothing is beautiful until a person decides to see that beauty in it.

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Nikisha M.

Life is full of scratches and scars but there are billions of stars that are waiting to be ignited just start your fire and you’ll blast off in no time!

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Angelina H.

To anyone struggling with their confidence, I would tell them that they were made how they were supposed to look for a reason and understanding that will make a difference in everyday life, one day at a time.

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Meredith R.

To be your own kind of beautiful means to own who you are and not conform to the social constructs or patterns of the world we live in. When you were formed by your maker, his mindset wasn’t to fit you into the cookie cutter style beauty standards we as humans have made for ourselves.

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Alexis B.

Being your own kind of beautiful is never changing a single thing about yourself no matter what the image of “beauty” is. Draw your own lines on Beaty and do what makes you happy! Draw outside of the lines for that matter, just be you!

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Maddie P.

To be your own kind of beautiful is being authentically yourself. Our bodies, minds, and souls are so uniquely made so they should be cherished and celebrated. Authenticity is living our lives in accordance with our own values without the fear of judgement from others. Knowing our deepest selves is a beautiful journey that opens the truth within us to live out our authentic life.

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