Twyla H.
Twyla H.
New York, USA.
Age: 34
Waist: 28
Hips: 30
Bust: 34
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 125 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Hazel
Tell us about yourself (where are you from, age, whatever you want to add)
I am from New York.
What is your biggest dream?
My biggest dream is to model in Milan.
What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?
Being your own kind of beauty, you become more confident. You become more comfortable and most importantly you become yourself.
How would you describe your fashion style?
I would say diverse. My lifestyle and principles are not constant, and neither is my fashion style.
Who or what inspires you?
Death inspires me,I feel afraid when I think about death. Afraid that I may not be experiencing the things I enjoy the most in this world. So, I feel the need to enjoy my stay here and make every moment count.
What is your advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling?
As with any career don’t go into it thinking about money, because you will not get the most out of it. If you go into a career being passionate about it, Loving it you will get everything coming out of it.
Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you.
I’ve been told I was too short to be a runway model. I was hurt, thinking I should just give up. But, I didn’t. I became a fashion model.
What makes you beautiful/handsome?
Being kind is being beautiful.
What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?
Be more of you, and less of them.