Natasha C.

My biggest dream is to live my life, doing what I love. I also want to be a representative for other children like me, who has heard so many times that “they would never make it” or have heard the word “no” more than they heard “yes”. I am a survivor of society and I need to tell my story.

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Jonahira C.

Dance is what led me to modeling. From there, it sparked into a hidden passion of mine. I have experience in various styles of print work. I have done promotional video work. Recently, I have begun modeling in fashion shows. I love it all and learning more about my craft.

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Jenna P.

Being your own kind of beautiful means being yourself, because there is nothing more beautiful than that! But also remember to be kind, caring, respectful, positive and most importantly support others! Everyone is beautiful in there own way, and I wish I would’ve realized that when I was younger. I always tried to fit in, but should’ve just been me! So always be you because your perfect no matter what!

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Joannah B.

I believe my perspective on life makes me beautiful. To me life is a blessing and that gives me such serenity, my strength, confidence, and wisdom that all make me beautiful.

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Cindy F.

Love yourself for who you are. Don’t compare yourself to others, in life it is not important to please anyone other than yourself! If there is something you don't like, improve yourself for you, but never for others. Remember that those who love you will always accept you for who you are. The secret is also not to be influenced by anyone and not to envy anyone. You can be inspired by/ admire someone- take good examples and be happy for them!

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Madison L.

If you were struggling with your confidence I would say to focus on who you are and try and find out who you are inside before trying to be someone else. In middle school I dressed like every other girl there and I felt empty. During quarantine I really thought to myself and really dug deep to find who I really was made to be. Finding your true self is key to confidence!

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Ashley D.

Just believe in yourself! There might be some rough patches but that’s okay, don’t get off that road. Always remember why you started in the first place. If your dream is to become a model go for it baby. Life can surprise you in many ways.

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Evelin L.

My family inspires me the most. My father worked his way from the bottom to the top in order to accomplish opening 3 running businesses. My sisters and mother inspire me to push and strive harder because my family and I went through a lot growing up starting from the divorce of my parents. My sisters and I went through our own seasons during the separation however it caused me as an individual to become stronger and independent for myself and my future. Lastly, God’s grace inspires me everyday because everytime I have my doubts, he reminds me that he has me in the palm of his hand.

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Hannah Noelle
Maria S.

If someone is struggling with their confidence, find one thing that makes you feel good. Then find a way to make it your style.

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Hannah Noelle
Ashley H.

What makes me beautiful is how I chose to see the world and make it positive for myself and others around me. I chose to be happy instead of always looking at a downside to a situation. Spreading happiness makes the lives of others better everyday and also gives us all a confidence boost.

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Hannah Noelle
Corrina V.

Everyone is beautiful in their own way. Your personality adds to your beauty. A kind person with a beautiful heart is the best kind of person. Embrace your beauty and your individuality!

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Hannah NoelleConnecticut
Yamillete F.

Tyra Banks has always inspired me to go for what I want, she is an icon who made me feel like I can make it in this industry. She worked hard to build the multimedia brand she has today and I know I can do the same. Lastly she has shown me that in this industry a lot of the time the answer will be no but I can not let that phase me and to just keep working harder for what I am striving for.

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Kendal N.

Just be you. You will never make everyone happy. There will always be someone that tries to make you doubt yourself. If you just be yourself, you have no reason to not be confident.

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Jess B.

Beauty comes from within, it seeps through from the inside to the outside. Your heart truly shows your beauty, showcasing your own kind of beautiful. No matter what anyone says, no matter how many times you get told no, you come back better than ever as the best version of yourself. Stand out. Be the girl that sparkles, be the boy that shines, be the individual your younger self wished to be. You should live your life happy and without any worries of the negative surroundings around you. The day you believe you're beautiful, everyone else around you will see it too.

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Alizé M.

People are going to judge regardless. In reality no one cares about your outside beauty. What’s important is your personality.Genuinely what kind of person you are. Be your own muse.

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Hannah NoelleTexas
Carlye P.

Obstacles I have overcome are those people who told me I could not reach my goals. I did not let those people tear me down, but build me and my determination up. It took a long time to get my modeling career going and it was all because I persevered through many “no’s” until I received a “yes”. One “yes” is a huge accomplishment to jumpstart a career in modeling.

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Hannah Noelle
Alana L.

Being your own kind of beautiful is feeling confident in your own skin and owning who you are. It’s not letting anyone bring you down because you don’t fit their “standard”. Its having your own standard for yourself and knowing you are more than enough.

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Bryanna D.

To someone who is struggling with their confidence:

Make a list of fifty things that you love and appreciate about yourself. Include things that you like physically, mentally, personality-wise and even things that your body can do (ex: dancing). Put this list somewhere you can see it everyday and whenever you start to feel insecure, look at this list and remind yourself of all the wonderful qualities you have and all the things you love about yourself.

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Kaylin B.

I used to struggle a lot with self-confidence, but God has really carried me out of that struggle. He created us for a specific purpose and every little detail about us, whether it is the shape of our nose or how our laugh is; God created you, you because He wanted you. He needed a person like you. Exactly how you are, so there is no need to try and be like someone else, because the God of the universe has chosen you. I will say, it is a lot easier said than done, but when you are in those times where your confidence is in the deepest valley, start thanking God for what you do have. Well and able limbs to carry out necessary task’s, vision, hearing, the ability to properly think through things, a nose that can breathe, and so on. When we realize and know who we are in Christ, that is when we are able to walk in true confidence.

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