Jenna P.
Jenna P.
Maine, USA.
Age: 18
Waist: 26
Hips: 33
Bust: 32
Height: 5’10
Weight: 130
Hair/Eye Color: Blonde/ Blue
Tell us about yourself (where are you from, age, whatever you want to add)
I am an 18 year old girl from a small town in Maine. I’ve always had big dreams, and am not the type of person to give up. When my mind is set on something I won’t stop till I get there! I have 2 horses and have been horseback riding from the age of 4. I still do it to this day so I’ve done it for awhile. I do riding competitions with my horses and love every single second of it!
Tell us about your modeling experience.
I don’t have too much, I am with an agency in New York (MMG) but because of covid they haven’t been able to book me to many jobs. But I’ve done auditions and photoshoots.
What is your biggest dream?
I wanna be on red carpets, in magazines, walk the runway, and be on Ellen!
What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?
Be yourself because there is nothing more beautiful then that! But also remember to be kind, caring, respectful, positive and most importantly support others! Everyone is beautiful in there own way, and I wish I would’ve realized that when I was younger. I always tried to fit in, but should’ve just been me! So always be you because your perfect no matter what!
How would you describe your fashion style?
It’s a little bit all over the place, it depends on what I feel, so it’s either, girly, trendy, 2000s, but sometimes I like to bring back some 80-90s style, I try to have my style match my mood for the day. I also try to have my style reflect my personality, and try to make it my own!
Who or what inspires you?
Charli Howard is literally the biggest person to inspire me. I absolutely love everything she stands for and how confident she is with herself!
What is your advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling?
Well I would tell them, keep your head up, always believe in yourself no matter what! If you really want this go for it, and don’t stop! Just remember sometimes there will be rejection but that will only make you stronger, if you don’t fail you are not trying hard enough! Just remember no one ever hears about the “fails” because they really aren’t fails. I know it might be scary and hard sometimes but remember no one ever did anything great by staying in there comfort zones. So stay determined, strong and you got this!!
Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you.
Well, about two years ago I was diagnosed with Lyme disease. This was a challenge because the lyme was surrounding my brain, heart and spine. So because of this I had to be pulled out of school and was in the hospital a lot. There were times where I couldn’t do anything but sleep, I couldn’t get out of bed somedays and being positive was almost impossible! It was a challenge, but thankful I am way better then what I was, and am pretty much 100%. I believe this has shaped me into who I am because it showed me that no matter what you go through, there will be a light at the end of it! It showed me that smiling is way more important then I thought and that they are contagious. When I would walk the halls in the hospital and see someone smile at me, it lifted my spirts and I would smile back. It was almost like I forgot everything I was going through for a second.
What makes you beautiful/handsome?
Feeling beautiful has been something I’ve struggled with for awhile, but thankfully I have finally realized everyone is beautiful in there own way. If I were to be asked this question a year ago, I would’ve answered “nothing” but now I’ve realized everyone is unique and beautiful in there own way. So what makes me beautiful isn’t on the outside but on the inside. I’ve realized being me, is the most beautiful thing I can be. I only get one life, one body, one face so why not be me, because that’s just beautiful enough!
What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?
I’ve been there before, so I know how it feels. I know I can sit here and tell you, your perfect but you have to feel it or it means nothing. Life is to short to not eat cake, or go to a pool party. Think about when you are 40 years old, looking back on memories and realizing what you missed out on! Why look back saying “I wish I went” and not say “I went”! I know right now it feels like being “perfect” is the most important thing but it really isn’t. No one is perfect, we all are beautiful in our own way. Instead of looking in the mirror for hours saying mean rude comments on your body, say one positive thing every day. It’s hard at first but you will get the hang of it. Being you is the most beautiful thing you can be. You get one life, so live it up, have fun, and don’t live saying “I wish” live saying “I did it”! You are perfect and beautiful being you!