Kylie W.

You are unique and valuable just as you are. Building confidence is a process, and it's okay to take small steps. Start with posture and walking with confidence. Avoid voicing negative thoughts about your physical appearance, and only think of and say the things you would tell a friend to boost their confidence. Celebrate your progress, be patient with yourself, and keep moving forward. You’ve got this!

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Kristi Trelegan
Hadiya B.

I would say regardless of the circumstances never compare yourself to anyone else because the world would be a real bland place if everyone was the same. Don’t look to social media for beauty standards because there are millions of people who are all beautiful and unique including you. 

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Kristi Trelegan
Anna W.

I’ve always been interested in modeling but didn’t pursue it until I did my senior pictures and saw how much I enjoyed it. I also did a photoshoot/modeling class with Allie Ayers and Kendall Kiland and it taught me a lot.

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Kristi Trelegan
Sydney P.

Being your own kind of beautiful is solely based on what's inside of you. When you surround yourself with positive influences and focus on your personal growth you become beautiful inside and out. Don’t compare yourself to others but appreciate who you are and how far you've come. It's not about your physical appearance but how you treat yourself and others!

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Kristi Trelegan
Madison H.

For somebody who is starting modeling, the best advice I can give is be your authentic self. Life is far too short to constantly be paranoid of other peoples thoughts, opinions, criticism. This industry thrives off of people who are their confident authentic self, and granted some people might not like you for that its not for them to like. You are not for them to like. You do everything for yourself, and the true beauty of that is that the right people will come to you and see that beauty in you that you see in yourself and that authenticity you want for yourself.

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Kristi Trelegan
Noemi F.

I think being your own kind of beautiful means embracing your differences and celebrating your unique qualities. It means accepting and loving yourself without validation from others and recognizing that beauty comes in many different forms. 

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Kristi Trelegan
Hayden P.

My personal style is heavily influenced by vintage fashion trends, but applied to modern day design. My favorite place to shop is my mother’s closet- she knew she had amazing style and managed to preserve pieces from the 70’s to the 2000’s which I am lucky to wear today! My fashion icons include Jane Birkin, Twiggy, Grace Kelly, and of course Carrie Bradshaw. 

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Kristi Trelegan
Kathryn M.

I would tell someone my age that is struggling with confidence to not be so hard on themselves and to not compare themselves to people especially people on social media because in this generation mostly everything is edited. I'd tell them to always remember that everyone is uniquely beautiful and to never talk negatively about themselves.

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Kristi Trelegan
Julia J.

My biggest dream is to be a role model and be so successful to where I can help out the world become a better place. I dream of becoming such a successful business woman to where I could retire my mother and fly out to third world countries and help communities handing our basic life necessities. 

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Kristi Trelegan
Grace A.

Being your own beautiful means embracing you’re  uniquely different in your own way , from the inside allowing yourself to shine with confidence

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Kristi Trelegan
Valerie S.

I am heavily inspired by my inner child. She fought so hard growing up to be able to express herself through art, even against her parent’s wishes. What she wanted she would get, through hard work and fueled by creative passion. My inner child’s persistence and determination has made me the woman I am today, and inspired me to carve my own path in life. 

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Kristi Trelegan
Ruby C.

My advice to someone starting modeling is to be confident in yourself. No matter what you look like or what others say about you, go for it! You don’t have to fit the standard to become a model, embrace your features!

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Kristi Trelegan
Emma J.

If we were all the same, the world would be boring. Confidence is key to character, and character is key to a difference in the world. It is important to love yourself and who you are and go into the world confidently. Confidence will change your life when you learn to love yourself to the best of your ability. 

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Kristi Trelegan
Giana S.

There can be many no’s before the yes’s, but know deep down that this is your dream, and you have what it takes. Don’t give up, your time will come.

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Kristi Trelegan
Chloe A.

My advice would be to find a photographer you trust to help build your portfolio, join networking groups in your town, research all of the modeling agencies to choose which is right for you and DON’T GIVE UP.

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Kristi Trelegan
Aracely C.

To be my own kind of beautiful is to be myself and express who I am, I feel like for many years, I was hiding who I was because I was scared of getting judged by strangers. Now that I am an adult, I feel much more carefree about how I express myself through clothes and makeup.

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Kristi Trelegan
Katelynn S.

I am so soo BIG on confidence and that’s something every woman should have is “CONFIDENCE” I find that to be soo important!! I’ll tell someone that struggles with confidence is to tell them to love everything about themselves. LOVE YOU UNCONDITIONALLY you’re beautiful.

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Kristi Trelegan
Kristen H.

As a teenager who struggles with confidence and self-worth, beauty means feeling comfortable with yourself. You need to develop your unique personality through hobbies, actions, and style to be the most beautiful version of yourself. Eliminate things that you don't like and work to build yourself into who you want to be and not how others perceive you.

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Kristi Trelegan
Sheayla C.

I would point out every beautifully unique thing about them. I would also remind this person that they come from a line of people who all loved each other.

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Kristi Trelegan